How is that good. They went commie, got called out, and now they are saying everything can change, at anytime, depending on what they want. That's not a good thing at all.
How is that good. They went commie, got called out, and now they are saying everything can change, at anytime, depending on what they want. That's not a good thing at all.
Not to mention such an "agreement" could also be turned very sour.
Token quote to keep the ignorant hopeful
This is Zabu, a white tiger with an apparent fixation on a giant red ball. On this fine Friday, Zabu is probably…
The family one is such bullshit. My family is gigantic. Like about 6 billion people. How am I supposed to choose which 10 to share it with?
Not to absolve the Camry driver completely, but the pedestrian was not supposed to be crossing. The ped signal doesn't change to "walk" until about 5 seconds into the video.
"we would like to announce a complete remake of Final Fantasy 7..............................................
..............on IOS only.
Yes and contrary to popular belief, the downward spiral began with FFX
The first console to get a FF7 remake gets my money
The Console Wars are over before they even started. PS4 winner by default.
This is the same pilot that slightly tilted the plane so that the passengers on the left could "get a view of Clint Malarchuk's neck" while flying over Northern Arizona.
If this happened, it probably would look like this
And where can I find this "dystopia"?
Conveniently all of these women are beautiful. Do only beautiful women go to the bathroom in Mexico? I'm not complaining. Just pointing it out.
It's a failure.…