
How can people this fucking stupid even get out of bed in the morning?


Didn't ask, and I don't give a shit. Troll along


I need help coming to terms with how awesome your avatar pic is

don't care

How is batman these days anyway?

fucking retarded


Couldn't tell ya' I'll be too busy playing my PS4. shrug

If you've never been raped then there is no need to comment on it. period. goodbye. end of story.

better than i can do.

Notice anything else interesting in this photo?

lets maybe rock some 3200 x 1080 and then we can talk.

Yeah but can it play the most pointless game of all time, Jurassic Park?

If that's not gameplay it should be because rendered scenes like that have been around since pentium III. In fact if those are cut scenes it might as well be final fantasy 7

oh hell yes

stop doing this.

Yes I am. But that's just me

spoken like someone who has never been. hat tip anyway