
So Downie got hurt and asked to stop the fight, the Caps obliged. Philly starts a fight with an unwilling goaltender and tells him to protect himself till its over. Philly teams are really the "Armpit of American sports".

I'd argue that parts of MD, including the UMD is more like boston than the country maryland. They were not going to school anyways in the 1930 and 40s. This is the supposed liberal parts. Its not nearly as diverse as its made out to be .

Far too often people swap diversity with voting for a democrat. They are not

Does anyone actually like Junior Mints? Never in my life have I seen someone voluntarily purchase Junior Mints at a store. I have however seen people buy (or be happy with) most of the top 30 candies. All anyone knows Junior Mints for is Seinfeld and pretty soon that will be a distant memory too.

If that was Suh:

Possibly or it could be that your point was awful. We may agree to disagree, but holding your breath like a 5 year old (which is basically what you have done in your responses) doesn't make you right. Also you keep referring to highly subjective idea like they are facts, which is a method of argument that is

Its basically click bait. I'm not going to thread through hundreds of responses to what was borderline trolling. It just shows how poorly thought out the idea is. Someone is grumpy that tons of people have realized how much of a fail the idea that people who hate only rap, are racist. Esp since most Blues and Jazz

What if the person loves blues and jazz but hates rap music. That pretty much crushes this theory even more than the country argument. I know plenty of people who are extremely progressive, love jazz and blues but dislike rap. I do agree if someone says they can't think of a single minority artist they like then its

I just asked basically the same thing.

Random Question about people who love all music except Rap. I know plenty of people who like all music except Country. In fact I'm pretty dam close to one of those people as I never put on country on my Pandora or car radio. Is that code for I hate southern/ midwestern people? Because there is certainly a target

Not so much a horrible thing, but if you want to look up the most laughably lopsided league in intramurals look up Syracuse Basketball champion 1997-1998 team. It was 5 NFL players, lead by McNabb. I believe it also included Kevin Johnson, Tebuckeye Jones and Donavon Darius. From what I remember this team destroy some

There is one thing that the people who love to rip on privilege. Its often used to ignore to get out of having serious discussions with people from a group they don't want to recognize.

The main time I have seen this occur is when discussing the problems with pure race & sex based affirmative action as opposed to

Often the "tea-party" groups (and conservative representatives adored by these groups) seem themselves as libertarians. They aren't really. Thats what I mean by that.

The reason I said "libertarians" is its often idiots like Ron and Rand Paul who are the first to pretend they care about people individual rights, and then are big supporters of as harsh a restriction as they can place on abortion etc. They aren't true to the underlying concept of their belief.

How can someone call themselves "pro life" when they do nothing to stop the deaths of thousands of living, breathing, autonomous people? People with families, friends, hopes, dreams, pets. On what planet is this okay?

Syrian's civilian refugee population is wondering the same thing.

The thrust of the article that its very hypocritical for people who are supposedly libertarian to try to regulate women's reproductive systems is a good one. There is just no reason to bring up the AR15 thing, or the AK47 thing in this article. Comments like that do a major disservice to the arguments that we NEED to

I just posted about this. Its very shoddy research by the author and it has nothing to do with this tragedy.

Why do otherwise intelligent people keep trying to make this tragedy about AR15 when they had nothing to do with the attack? It makes you lose all credibility in the gun debate and exploits the death of 12 people for political gain.

Hey OBG,
There was no reason to bring R Kelly into this discussion.

Except that affirmative action IS bad because its purely based on race. Take a black family from Palo Alto or Potomac MD whose parents make 6 figure incomes. Its extremely illogical to argue they need affirmative action compared to a poor white kid in Alabama.

I have no problem with Affirmative Action helping out the

Relative to Virginia Tech it is.