This might not be popular here but this is an awful ruling:
This might not be popular here but this is an awful ruling:
You would preferred they double yellow carded her and kicked her out of the game?
If the comment about brute force was true (its not), it would be more important to use a shorter length that has all sorts of weird combinations in it, instead of a long password. however a "passphrase" ie different words combined into a phrase is far more secure that even a completely random but shorter password.…
My problem wasn't with the UK, its that doing this directly conflicts with multiple early statements and just proves how hateful the IOC really is.
This is touching, but it also shows how much the IOC is full of shit. They just went on a big rant the day before saying how it was not the appropriate venue to recognize the victim of terror attacks. It shows they have no concern or care for the fact that 11 Israeli's were killed forty years ago. This happened at…
This was exactly what I was thinking. The other place would be the high end electronics stores with the 400 dollar HDMI monster cables.
They would have already finished their report, but their lead investigator was finishing up his report for OJ which will announce who the real killer was.
I meant this why the police couldn't just send a robot in and do a controlled explosion. He obviously doesn't care, but the police had to take extra caution so they didn't damage the surrounding apartments.
Isn't this guy in a condo, if he explodes his place it could do damage to a lot of other people homes.
Good point. For long distance, email is sometimes ok, but a long distance thing probably means you both really wanted to make it work and were thinking about marriage possibilities (or why else would you do LD). This deserves a phone call or at worst a well thought out email.
A little late to this party, but I can't find one @ 100 bucks. A quick search on amazon had them all around 140, basically the same price I can find the jambox at. How do the two compare?
Earlier today I searched for advanced bandages (the ones that help you heal faster) on Amazon, and it asked me if I meant advanced bondage.
Does anyone actually use these shitty names or is this like sex tips from cosmo/ maxim that no one with any shred of common sense would ever try to use.
Dam you, I was going to make that reference.
The first line was pretty funny. Obviously it wasn't a gtown grad who came up with it. They aren't that bright. Fortunately for them, daddy's trust fund will make up for it.
While only accounting for 19 people, the 15 fans who said they watched the WNBA made up 75% of the overall TV market. Can we at least agree that there is virtually no reason for this league to exist, other than to say, lets have a professional women's league. Its a charity case if there ever was one.
How much power did Joe Pa have in Happy valley. Some people claim he was a innocent old man, others claim he was basically a mob boss, and nothing could happen in the city without his blessing.
You are acting like the only way to stand up to this comment is to physically attack the person. That just doesn't make sense. There is a middle ground/ common sense you are completely ignoring.
This person was 100% out of line. However what this girl did was: battery & and sets a bad precedent. What happens, if after the guy is he he strikes back, or worse "ie stand your ground in FL or similar state". He made an awful awful joke, but she bumped the altercation up a level and was lucky to get away…