
If you need to trick someone into showing you respect, then there is a problem with that person. There is no reason to think this shouldn't be absolutely standard and a demand from the beginning. People's true ways are going to come out over time, so you might as well find out from the start.

Makes sense, also its not that the advice is really only for one gender. I got to meet the authors of "He's just not that into you" and asked why all the advice books at most spend a chapter talking to men. The reason is basically pure market research. Guys very rarely will spend any money on this stuff so publishers

First Avi wrote a Jewish version of the rules (she is the interviewer on the Jdate website), which has some decent points (a main one is be less JAPpy for lack of a better term) and is not nearly as annoying as the real rules. I should rephrase my comment that I got in disagreements with her for a couple of years over

I'm friendly with Avi (IRL), and shes a great person, but I've had many discussions with her about how you only really hurt yourself by promising to conform to some strict set of guidelines. If you are the kind of person who enjoys playing games, then go at it.

I just fundamentally disagree with you that MLK was ever viewed on the same level of Al-Qaeds. Its moral relativism, and its also not factually true. Some people hated MLK, but he was never viewed the same, and his goals were vastly different. To even argue this is borderline trolling or just poor logic.

I understand the idea you can't censor the internet. However the one mans freedom fighter is moral relativism and I'm not going down that road. there is a huge difference between Al-Qaeda and MLK. There is nothing wrong with analyzing how to best monitor known terrorist groups and discuss the effect they have on

I have been critical of this group in the past, but this article left out one major feature whih was a good point. This group supposedly also discussed the ways in which the Internet is being used to promote hate & terrorist groups. giving them access to people who were previously unreachable. While I disagree with

the idea you can patent a steak is laughable. What are they going to do? I'm sorry sir, you can't cut a steak in that manner.

Yup, and from what I remember the draft version of 802.11n had some significant differences as far as interoperability when compared with the final version.

Well said,

The other trick is to use it will show you the full text and some of the code behind it. Its great for tracking temporary moves with malicious intent.

If you (or anyone else) are basing who you think is popular by who makes a better" reality" TV star, like basketball wives, please fill up your bathtub with water and then jump in it with the laptop.

Yah, the fact that the Rangers count down from 8:05 every game and then scream Ovi Sucks for 10 seconds shows that no one cares about him outside DC. You don't do that for a player who you are indifferent about.

The NHL has better personalities than the NBA. Have you ever watched 24/7? Your comment comes off as someone who has never tuned into a game or read about a player in their life. I'm sure if SI or ESPN tells you to read something, you will though.

The part that troubles me the most is the way the NFL treats players like they are cogs in a machine. Baseball and basketball have guaranteed contracts with relatively little risk to the people at hand. The sport where the players are at the greatest risk of suffering a life altering injury makes players prove

Players have know their bodies will be hurt and sore after they retired for a long time. There has been recent (last decade or two) knowledge that the average lifespan of a NFL player is less than the average adult male.

Really Really sad new. It also sad that the sport where the players really deserve guaranteed contracts and put their body the most at risk, is the one where they are treated the worst.

Very True. The article doesn't allow for the distinction between the two groups. It puts everyone into the racist category. There are probably some hipsters who understand the jokes they are making (which can often be very similar to the ones south park makes) and there will undoubtedly be some who don't.

Love the mullet. Its like Joe Dirt made it big.

I agree with you. There are parts of this article I agree with too, its not all awful. The part about interest in another culture comes to mind. I don't know how many times I have seen people trying to sport a swastika, but from the Hindu version to be ironic, when what they often are trying to do is piss people off.