Bravo, its some of the worst legislation ever written. Thats saying something for congress. There are 0 legimate reason to pass SOPA anymore. Its been completely discredited.
Bravo, its some of the worst legislation ever written. Thats saying something for congress. There are 0 legimate reason to pass SOPA anymore. Its been completely discredited.
Furthermore anyone who dares question that this stuff has existed gets slammed by the apple fanboys here. The love for apple must be part of the gizmodo settlement from when they "borrowed" that iPhone 4 they bought from whomever it was.
First of all if you are taking notes while your driving, you deserve the massive increase when you crash your car. I feel sorry for the poor person who is about to get drilled by you.
I know everything apple is assumed to be better, but for the most part I already have Siri. Its called google search and it works pretty well. You might have heard of google before. In fact I can even get directions from this thing called google search, which doesn't even need an address and will give me turn by turn…
There is an album called waffle house christmas. I haven't per say heard any of the songs, but if they are half as bad as the custom songs made for this american mecca (My favorite is there are raisins in my toast or 2,411,360 to eat hashbrowns) safe to say they are pretty much all going to suck.
Davis had already given the tape to the police himself.
In other news not handing out condom's in HS completely prevents teens from having sex. Its a foolproof plan!
Nice, 0 chance this thread went ten minutes without a reference.
SO basically Verizon is probably doing something else then right? At least with Sprint we know that you are being tracked, but we also know how to stop it.
If Deadspin publishes a tape of that woman screwing a player, then I'm publishing a tape on youtube of Drew getting sweaty too. Its not a imagine you will be able to get out of your head easily.
How is he supposed to be following this person around everywhere? L Fine is one seriously fucked up person, you don't need a sex tape to figure that out. She slept with the first accuser, when she knew the guy was already abused.
Why on earth would it mean its the end of Jimmy B tenure? Whats next a breaking news story that college players will have sex with almost anyone. Where is the link that Jimmy had a hand in setting this up or knew about it?
I thought I also read she watched them once through a window. I can't believe they are still together.
It has nothing to do with how hard the job is. I was mainly focusing on trying to find two different jobs, each requiring a high level of education, but with wildly different salaries.
A breaking article that could be called, people who work for places with better benefits, get more maternity leave. I'd be interested to see how someone who worked at a high pressure law-firm where you are expected to bill a billion hours compared to someone like a social worker who has a masters. That would be a…
Well his wife looked the other way. Thats not acceptable. ESPN also looked the other way, which is why its laughable for them to call for his head. Shouldn't someone be calling for the top people at ESPN's head?
A better headline would be Jezebel should actually research something fully before talking about it.
Does this mean we will stop seeing every hipster and OWS person kissing apple's ass? Because that would be a nice change.