
I can't believe a flavor like that actually exists. PSU has found a way to make OSU look respectable.

I haven't seen that many sad people in Alabama since 2008.


I'll probably get flack from a lot of the anti-Israeli posters on this, but there is a correlation between the hatred of Israel and the hatred of Jews. This is not to say that all complaints about Israel are wrong. There is plenty of room for legitimate complaints about the country. Tons of people are allowed to

Gawker site redesign w no javascript or flash> Tebow

haha love it. Worst day of his life. Thats a pretty easy life.

Can't believe Gruden said this was the worst thing to happen in P. River's life. Waiting for him to analyze what was in the two spot, getting picked second to last for dodgeball in elementary school or when his mom ran out of the good split popsicle and all that was left was the green ones.


The fight was one thing, but whoever picked Date Rape by Sublime as Asham's exit music, really went over the line. Classy move Pittsburgh.

Everyone who is complaining probably hasn't used this. I have this for my phone and there is something amazing about being able to be @ a sporting event live and have the ability to replay anything the moment it happens. I'm no longer at the mercy of those who control the Jumbotron (or whatever its now called).

Interesting, so the special knife and where it has to be killed (and the motion etc) is really only used for Cattle (and other appropriate animal like lamb etc). I guess anything with a split hoof? I though it was for all meats but never really asked before.

ewww. I really don't understand how this complies with Kashrut at all? Is it because you are not feeding the meat to Jews, so you can basically do what you want with it? It fails in the notion that your not using a clean blade, and it also seems to fail in the spirit of the laws. I figured people just did Taslich

Knowing a good deal of orthodox Jews (my rents belong to an orthodox synagogue) I know no one that does this It may happen in ultra orthodox areas like crown heights(even thats doubtful), but saying this is a standard practice is a little bit misleading.

touche. I stand correct w my example.

Lets be honest, what you really mean are where are the larger liberal female politicians. Jezebel has a sad history of employing a massive double standard to those who have views against what the editors believe. The shaming of O'Donell's sex life being one example.

Leave Otto out of this. When my mascot starts making asshole comment, then feel free to flame it.

Now playing

Just remember, never type Google into Goole. It can break the internet.

100% agree, and if they don't want people complaining about formatting (although I bet there are a couple of posts here about how much OTHER sites new format (facebook, cough cough) suck.

Makes sense, and it would clearly be an abuse of the service. Plus there are so many ways to monitor traffic these days, the second a flv file or something similar showed up it wouldn't take that long to realize you did something you were not supposed to.

I agree, surely it didn't happen.