
Point taken, and just for the record, nothing I have said condones guys oinking or doing anything like that at all. Those are just mean actions that go farrrrr beyond the realm of civility and decency. Some people will always get pleasure out of hurting someone else and those people are assholes.

Clever, I think you have here, by far the best response to my post. That said guys do have similar pressures and problems IMO. Many girls haven't been pulled aside in a bathroom and virtually jumped in HS because some big guy thought it was fun throw a couple of punches for no reason and the tons of other types of

Here is the thing, I don't have a problem when girls do this. Its part of life. What I have a problem with is when they act no one else understands their pain. Its not privilege showing, its being realistic. That getting criticized over weight is somehow different the myriad of other reasons people get critiqued.

I'm arguing after reading the responses on here that this topic, are being handled with extremely kid gloves when every other topic is generally handled with much more of a no holds barred, we are all adults and can be blunt about our comments. I'm also arguing that there ARE plenty of things that happen to all sorts


The saddest part is the vast vast majority of the anti-semitism comes from the so called progressive left. The protests on campuses, the circumcision stuff in SF. The problem if anything is on the coasts. These are the groups who are supposed to be the most opened minded. I was really sad to hear the other day that

They should save this comment for the next 30 times some conservative says something racist during the election.

Actually there have been a ton of studies that say tall people are promoted better and are given better respect. Its also a natural conclusion to realize that shorter/ less muscluar people are more likely to be attacked. In HS the shorter/ smaller people are traditionally the ones bullied. So basically your post is

If a show is rated MA and you let your kid watch it, don't give some speech about being offended because you were too lazy to watch your kid.

I'm not saying at all that making fun of fat people is a thing of the past. What I am saying is that its not the only group that is picked on for a perceived flaw in their physical appearance. There are tons of physical attributes that are deemed not perfect (height, facial features, build in general), that lead to


A guy perspective of all this talk on weight:

I'm not one to say something nice about Gtown (virtually ever) but this is insane. The WWE is more civilized than the Chinese team.

Without Austin Freeman's insulin, they’re more prone to mood swings and sugar rushes.

Actually wouldn't that be more proof he was Jewish?

But huffpost just told me I was supposed to grind in order to solve the slut crisis.

This is my problem with a decent number of the political attacks. There is plenty of legitimate stuff to attack, but people love falling back on the same tired cliche or going out of their way to make someone look stupid, when the truth is strong enough to stand on its own. Someone went off on a idiotic rant about

Meh, my experience online has shown me people who make the kind of posts the original person made are not looking for an objective discussions anyways. Maybe they will prove me wrong, but I doubt it. The main point is still valid, and the ranting before was really more typical of the stuff you find on dailykos than in

You realize your comment doesn't make sense as Cantor is a religious Jew right. Just saying, the love for the christian conservative is there from some on the right, but Ryan and Cantor didn't get their credibility from bashing gays or going to hang out at prayer fest with Perry. Its these kind of uneducated responses

I'm not exactly sure by who, but its a pretty safe bet that any new sabermetrics terms on here are not going to be warmly adopted by Jezebel.