It's really funny. As a PC gamer, every single game we own on Steam cannot be sold to someone else. We can't buy games used. We have to be connected to the internet to access some of them. Why is this such an issue with console gamers?...
It's really funny. As a PC gamer, every single game we own on Steam cannot be sold to someone else. We can't buy games used. We have to be connected to the internet to access some of them. Why is this such an issue with console gamers?...
Sony is full of fail. Dishonored is cheaper on Steam, and you don't have to buy a subscription to get the deal on it. This is why people have to stop buying consoles, because Microsoft and Sony are terrible at pricing games.
Don't buy the PS3, it's terrible. Stick with your PC.
How about one of these being made with all of Sony's lies? Like how they showed FF15 and KH3, making it look like it was exclusive to the PS4, then adding in Square Enix's presentation where they reveal the games are multi-console and not just for Sony? Or Sony's conference when they announced the PS4 and said Diablo…
It doesn't support used games, publishers can block used game sales just like the Xbox One. It was a subtle trick saying Sony 1st party games, published by Sony, won't be blocked.
I made $2.25 selling virtual cards I earned by idling in a few games. And that was just by selling the doubles. If you have foil cards, which aren't even foil since they're virtual, you could sell them for around $10.
And yet the PS4 version has vanished off the face of the earth. Oh, is this the first case of a developer not wanting to be forced to work with the Vita?
Hahahahha yeah right. I can spend that $400 and make my PC better than a PS4 could ever hope to be. PC gamers are staying where they are: laughing at console players.
Except they were lying and the PS4 can have blocked used games, depending on the publisher.
I've been playing the PC for years. I'm not allowed to trade in my games, as they're digital. I have to have a constant, internet connection to access most of them. The ones I don't have a CD key I need. Even worse, in Canada we have bandwidth caps, so I can only download a limited number of the games I own.
Are you just plain stupid or ignorant? Your site announced PS4 games have DRM, that publishers can block used sales just like the Xbox One games. They were caught telling nothing but lies in their presentation, claiming all the Square Enix games were exclusive to them, only to have Square Enix reveal they're on the…
This series needs to be axed. That's not "fantasy", it's purely sci-fi.
I don't want immersion in my games. I'm not stupid so I don't need to imagine myself in a story to enjoy it.
And it all turned out to be lies.
Wrong. Look at how often he took off his mask in the movie. The only time he kept it on was when dealing with the crook in the parking lot.
I love how everything Sony presented last night has been torn to shreds by the 3rd party publishers. All the bragging they did with Square Enix games, SE spits in their face this morning and reveals they're multi-console games. Now the "herp derp we support used games" is just another lie. Turns out it's EXACTLY the…
That's.... unexpected... Very unexpected. I would have thought Sony paid them for exclusive rights, but I guess not (must be REALLY hurting financially).
Consoles are a thing of the past, and people need to clue in. PC gaming is the biggest winner. For $400-$500 it will take you to buy a new console, you can upgrade your PC to better specs than either console has. My current 6 month PC is equal, if not, more powerful, than both Xbox One and PS4, and with $400 I could…
And the 3DS eShop is where?... God.. So tired of Nintendo treating it's only money-maker like garbage.