
Represent! Got one, also a 2010, last fall and just spent my first maintenance money on it: Oil and air filter change. Got tires coming up though, that’s gonna sting a little.

What’s the over-under on amount of time for aftermarket angry-headlight mods to appear, 3 months? Maybe they’re already being prototyped based on OEM supplier headlight catalogs...

To me it looks like the Tesla shorts are made for females and are very tongue-in-cheek and appeal to a particular brand of immature humor.

The Mercedes shorts are a little pricey, but pretty in line with other performance-fabric shorts/pants/whatever, and seem to be very functional and even have zip-up pockets! Also,

The EDM sport compact, or the Fiesta for people who stress out about puddles? 

I wonder how many people stating that there’s no difference between a sports car woth a light off-roading package here have driven both a sports car and a generic crossover (ie, not a Macan or X3).

One one level, you’re not wrong, but when you think about crossovers being turbo-4 jellybeans with slushboxes based on FWD commuter architecture, there’s a key distinction:

Plenty of other games do it- I know off the top of my head that the recent Shadowrun series and Divinity: Original Sin do, I think Panzer Corps, plus the tactical layer in Endless Legend as well. Also in DnD/Pathfinder- each character, PC and NPC, just goes based on initiative rolls. Don’t mean to be pedantic if you

While we’re also all stuck inside...I bit already. They got my money, and I’m looking forward to SWATCOM.

BuT UnIoNs cAn’T wOrK fAsT

We both know I’m talking about wort. Didn’t want to use too much jargon since I didn’t know the OP had any brewing knowledge.

It’s moreso the production itself: The unfermented beer is first held at temperatures between 140 and 170F, and then boiled for about an hour. The end product, provided the fermentation and packaging was handled cleanly, is certainly cleaner than bad well water. Bacteria and fungi can tolerate low alcohol

Bitter and mild are both types of ale, as neither is a lager.
Bitters tend to be more pale, milds tend darker and less, well, bitter. LaborDude2 is right, both are low in alcohol but not necessarily low in calories or light in body, unlike American-style light beers, which tend to be quite dry and light in body as

They’re both white, as long as a house, and likely very comfy. Likely also V8 and rwd, no?

Isn't the point of an NSX not to break very often? 

Edit: Nevermind, just read NoGas’s comment.

YYeah, there was an old C&D or Motor Trend article to this effect that compared the cost of 60s/70s muscle cars to modern hi-po Mustangs, Camaros, amd Challengers. While they mentioned inflation-adjusted price, it was also broken down into weeks of median-wage work.

I hope you also put that much thought and consideration into teaching respect for people. 

I spent a few days on the Autobahn this summer. Lane discipline is insanely strict. You speed up like hell to pass and then get the hell back over to one of the right lanes. You do not hang out, and you do not creep past that truck while only going 4mph faster. You pass and you get back to traveling.

There are people

Legend has it you could do that at the old Oak Tree station at VIR- just tap a passing Spec Miata on the roof as they rounded the corner if they didn't seem to get the message 😆

I worked a corner at VIR for a recent SCCA event, and we also had number panels for the eventuality of flagging down a specific car. Never happened, but we did get the black out to call the race in account of weather.