
Carnival and capoeira. Beaches and bikini waxes.

I feel like you might as well be a high school dropout if you have "just" a bachelor's degree and are trying to date or even just socialize in the DC area.* I can't count the number of times I've gotten side-eye when I mention I have just a BA. It actually seems to offend some people who spent tens of thousands of

I'm going to spend this five-day weekend watching ALL the Sochi events. VPN for complete Canadian / British coverage for the win! Suck it, NBC.

Laughing my black ass off at this article and all of these comments.

I think there's a difference between the mutual fadeaway (when neither party is feeling it, thus neither party attempts to contact the other) and poofing as a dick move. In this particular case, he did in fact go out of his way to convince me that we were great together and that he definitely wanted to see me more,


I know nobody owes anybody an explanation for not wanting to see someone again. I honestly don't care what the reason is, nor do I have any desire to hear it. All I want to know is that you're not an option before I spend a week trying to figure out whether I'm ever going to hear from you again. Especially since


This combines taking a class / joining a sports activity / finding a religious community, depending on what you're looking for, so it gets its own listing. It can take a bit of work to find a good studio that has a social community, but it's worth the effort. Try to find one that holds events, dinners, etc, if

Depends on what you consider expensive. They're often on sale for under $60 at

Ballet flats and yoga pants.

Do you like most of the people in your life? I have a couple of thoughts on this.

It's Twelfth Night and the start of Carnival season! The rest of the U.S. needs to take a cue from New Orleans and the Gulf Coast (and Venice and Rio and, like, every other place in the world touched by those crazy Catholics way back when) and party it up for the next couple of months. There shall be no talk of

Right. The only reason you'd click on a profile now is if you liked the picture. OKC's big thing was being the thinking person's website. Lots of room to express yourself through profile essays, questions, and quizzes (which also seem to be no longer displayed). Transcending the knee-jerk "hot or not" that other

Is there any reason OKCupid took away the ability to preview the text of profiles in search results? Now the only way to see if someone has anything interesting to say is to make a snap judgment on the profile pic. Isn't OKC supposed to be the dating site for *smart* people? I feel like it's catering more and more

It's been a while since I've done an OKC rant. On this go around, I decided to make it just a thing running in the background rather than a full-on endeavor. This means I check for messages every few days, respond only to people I'd be interested in meeting based on profile alone, and don't bother with

Lots of votes for Honda. I had a 98 Accord that I passed on to my parents in '07. Six years later, that Accord is still going strong, and I'm kinda bored with the car I replaced it with. Not gonna lie, there are times when I think I should just ask my parents to give me back my Honda.

Poll time.

I feel like there's so much pressure to get over relationships very quickly. But honestly, some (many) people just aren't wired that way. I know that it can take me a year or two to really feel like I'm okay without someone. Too bad friends get tired of being your support network after just a couple of weeks.

I'm not complaining about studio prices. I frequent a studio and have a closet full of Lululemon (and Athleta and Zella). I'm just saying that people get all up in arms about the prices of clothes without discussing the fact that yoga in general (as typically practiced in the US) is expensive.

It amuses me that every time Lululemon comes up, we get hundreds of people arguing whether it makes sense to pay more than $5 for yoga pants...yet no one ever discusses whether it makes sense to pay $15-$20 for a single yoga class. Frankly, Lululemon and its competitors are priced just right for the people who can

I suspect increasing STD rates also play a role. Infertility can be a result of otherwise asymptomatic infections.