
When I got my puppy, the vet said he had an umbilical hernia that needed surgery. Vet then cut the dog open and hernia. I felt awful putting such a young puppy through unnecessary surgery. I also don't use that vet anymore.

Preaching to the lazy choir. I'll go all out for a night out (mascara AND eyeliner!), but I don't bother with much beyond lip gloss on a daily basis. I don't care what my cubicle walls think of me. I do moisturize religiously, though. Hopefully that and staying healthy (and good genes — black don't crack donchaknow)

It's 10:30 pm, and I just got a message from my boss that I need to report to work in the morning. I guess I should go get a few hours of sleep now. (And this is why I thumb my nose at all those people whining about the "free vacation" federal workers were getting. While I'm thrilled to know we should be getting back

My daily undies are Hanky Panky original-cut thongs. I have a big ole bubble butt, and these do a better job of "floating" over my crack than bikinis/briefs/boyshorts, most of which constantly ride up and give me wedgies and weird fabric bunches.

Sigh. Everyone knows the best stories will never be posted, because NDAs.

I didn't consider myself an excessive drinker until I calculated that I drink 15-20 bottles of wine a month (two glasses a night, with the periodic "let's kill this entire bottle" night). Of course, I'm slightly older than the millennials, but I'm not yet a chardonnay-swilling housewife. I have refined tastes in the

However, even more hurtful were the people who simply avoided her rather than have to acknowledge her grief; I suppose it was too scary for them to address. When asked why they didn't say anything, they would say, "Well, I just don't know what to say to her!". What's worse- saying nothing, or trotting out one of those

"And honestly, men (and sometimes women) have never really been a problem for me before. Who knows, maybe now that I’m closer to 30 than 20 I’ll find that the landscape has changed, but I strongly suspect that I’ve still got it."

Let me add one (actually several, but conveying the same sentiment).

OHNOES, she doesn't have a thigh gap!

Dear white people,

I love that Black People Love Us has been on the interwebs for more than a decade now. It's still as funny as the first day I saw it. White people, you be funny.

Oops. I fed the troll. My apologies, ladies. Won't happen again.

"...regardless of their individual aesthetic tastes as regards facial features and the like."

Why is it that when I see models rocking REALLY BIG natural hair, I'm like "wow Magical Princess YES" ... but when I walk out the door with my hair like this, I feel unkempt and self-conscious? #brainwashed

YES to replacing the shower head. I have a dual-head massager (mounted + handheld) that I've used in my last couple of abodes. It's amazing, even more so now that I have a boiler that provides endless hot water (no more shampoo-shimmy in 2.5 minutes!). I die a little every time I stay at a place that has a lame

I got my lazy ass out of bed early yesterday to attend a yoga class at my gym. I usually only go during the week, so this was my first time with this particular instructor. She was quite good, and after the third or fourth time she walked by and adjusted me, I realized that I'd picked up some terrible habits and bad

The dress is awesome and busy, so I'd keep accessories to a minimum. Onyx drop earrings and a black clutch. Definitely no necklace. Messy up-do. Enjoy the wedding!

Heehee. It's like the Annoying Facebook Girl meme. Claims to hate drama...always starting drama.