Even ignoring the classic pedant trap of mincing hairs over the difference between Democracy and Republic, the US still isn’t much of a “democracy” in any sense you might care to use.
Even ignoring the classic pedant trap of mincing hairs over the difference between Democracy and Republic, the US still isn’t much of a “democracy” in any sense you might care to use.
That’s a lot of wasted words just to tell everyone you’re a cunt.
Burning the American Flag as a means of protest is protected speech. Yet, not when it comes to questioning COVID, transgenderism or climate change I suppose.
Don’t forget that it gives her the opportunity to play the victim. Conservatives love their fake victimhood. It makes them feel special, like they’re fighting against injustice.
lol. there it is.
Exactly, the US is one of the only democracies that protects hate speech, with predictable results.
Alternate headline:
“To Apple, you’re a walking billboard when you’re using their devices,”
Exactly. With Apple products, there’s a definite sense that the company has decided there is a right way to use their products, and that it is constantly annoyed that customers refuse to comply.
VR porn aside (because... why?), this is the attitude that makes me not like Apple. They just fundamentally don’t think that the devices you buy are really yours. They still see them as extensions of their own marketing.
I believe it’s coming to Florida so eventually it will make its way to America.
The drugs and alcohol come later trying to chase that high they got beating video games.
as long as there are videogames there will always be 13 year olds processing heavy trauma through them.
Why would there be no human-created art though? Did the A.I take over the world and ordered all humans to have to their fingers broken?
To be fair it was probably some low level marketing person that did this, they’re not “steering the ship”
Agreed. The use of AI here to stay.
I can’t wait for us to get past this whole point. It isn’t going anywhere and won’t be regulated away. I still remember how up in arms everyone one was about how digital art was going to ruin the entire industry. A decade or two from now & an article like this will seem even sillier than it currently does. Adapt or…
That is in no way a fitting punishment for the crime of “hacking” companies that should already have had better systems in place. Does he not have any family, is house arrest not an option?