
I remember the first GTA V trailer, Radio GaGa by Queen, fucking perfection.

Looks like a GTA game.

No one - and I mean no one - does a better job with trailer songs than Rockstar. Their choices are always just outside of what you’re expecting, yet absolutely, positively perfect. Who else would have picked a deep(ish) cut by Florida’s own Tom Petty to score the glamour, swamps, and depravity of Vice City?  

Serious Florida Man vibes.

Alligators... Of course there would be bloody alligators.

Maybe this is climate bias... but who are these people who need lip balm every day of their life? Other than really bad sunburns or extended cold dry weather, I’d place lip balm pretty low on the hierarchy of essential care supplies?

We shouldn’t normalize DLC, frankly. If they can’t manage delivering an optimized game prior to release, we shouldn’t have to pay AAA game prices, and then half a AAA game for an expansion, and again for another...

I think a lot feel this way. Insane pricing aside - most of D4's cosmetics look like hot garbage and all very similar within a given class.

What I find funny about most paid cosmetic DLC is that it is not desirable at all. Like I would be embarrassed to wear it. I mean, yes, some of it looks cool and makes your character look like a badass, but at the same time, I feel like if I were to wear something like that it would just make me look like a sucker.


That is the price the expansion should be, no more. Cosmetic packages should be a completely separate thing not tied to the expansion.


I had a fancasting idea for Shadow that just popped into my head one sleepless night: Jaleel White. A part of me would just be tickled by the idea of the OG Sonic voicing Edgy The Hedgey. And I think the old cartoon watching thirtysomethings going to see this with their kids would appreciate the in-joke.

Because the game at one point was very fun.

It’s just stripping away little things. Little here, little there, and before you know it, it’s requiring minimal effort while still charging full prices.

the shuttering of their competitive league tells you everything you need to know about the playability of OW/OW2. Going from 6 to 5 and basically calling an update a new game was the nail in the coffin for me. 

Don’t worry everyone, he’ll come out and be OP in obvious ways for far longer than necessary, then they’ll “fix him” and he’ll be weak as shit in, again, obvious ways for far longer than necessary and maybe in about a year he'll be in a good place. It's the Blizzard Way!

What are you talking about? I wish people like you would stop being ridiculous and just use the words you want to use, “good” and “bad.” The new games are 3D. There’s literally no argument you can make that they’re not 3D or that they don’t “look 3D.” Just say you think they look bad and you want good looking games.

I don’t know if this will be any good, but it definitely does look cute. As a near-lifelong Psyduck fan, I definitely like what I’m seeing.

Ngl, this looks charming af and perfect for the holidays.

It’s dull you twit, it’ll hurt more!