
"BALL POSITION ADJUSTMENT"? Heck. For THAT much $$$ I'll just scratch 'em myself.


BUILD WALKING INTO YOUR DAILY COMMUTE: I get off the BART train 2 stops early and that gives me 4 miles of roundtrip walking built into my day. It saves me 50 cents, too!

Yeah, but Sutro is an eye-sore; no style.

Ah. I get it, now. Thanks for the response.

Huh? Can you say that a different way?

NAME YOUR PRICE: How 'bout one ride on a coaster for COMPLETE ownership of Apple?

EXCELLENT MOVE, MICROSOFT: With Smartphones selling in larger numbers than PCs, this will provide ONE user experience for both platforms.


COPYCAT ROBBERY: "Gimme the loot or the Death Star gets it!"

SECRET AGENDA: Authorities will "process" THEM to make others think twice.

I was thinking the same thing. I watch too much crappy TV, obviously.

Don't let it bother you. We Americans take a more direct approach. We'll just land a fully functioning drone in enemy territory. The ONLY thing we leave out is a red bow.

FORGOT TO MENTION: Unlike the "watered down" Comcast signal, wtih OTA you get real HDTV.

Try withholding sexual favors. She'll cave-in.

DIE, COMCAST, DIE! I fired Comcast 1.5+ years ago. OTA PBS is good. And, it's FREE!

Thanks. Here's a promote for your contribution.

SUGGESTED IMPROVEMENT: They should add a vibrator, so you don't have to move your wrist. THEN the opposite end can be used for something else.

FAST FORWARD: Apple Stores have a "tip cup" to send extra $$$ to Foxconn workers.

I have the "Singin' in the Rain" movie poster hanging in my "World's Smallest Movie Theater.