
Look, there’s nothing wrong or weird or bad about people breastfeeding other people’s babies. We’ve done it since the dawn of humanity (wet nurses, anyone??) It’s the fact that she did it without consent that feels so gross. It would be like if you kept kosher or halal and your day care provider just fed your kid regul

I looked up that scene now (and added it to my comment).

Now playing

I’ve never put a hat on a bed since I saw “Drugstore Cowboy”.

Nope. My lovely little Irish nana and my wacky aunts had this and lots more ominious sayings. Yeah for the fey!

My in laws bought a set of those “pillows” for my husband and me. What a scam, indeed! Those pillows are trash and are now in the closet only to be used for guests that we suspect may overstay their welcome. 

Promise? ❤️ Your Nana

Eric is the one with tonsil stones for teeth right?

oh good, I am sure Terrance Howard is a great testimonial to attest and vouch for Jussie Smollett...

I do mind it. Even if the kids were being used (I cared about stuff when I was like 12 and up), they didn’t know that, and this was their first encounter with a real live Representative Of The People. And she was shitty to them. She’s been in Congress for like 800 years ... she should be able to be more diplomatic

Not to paint too broad of a brush stroke here, but a lot of “creatives” I know aren’t exactly the most analytically minded people.

When I first heard the story my initial reaction was that it sounded exactly like what someone in Hollywood thinks a hate crime looks like, but I was willing to give him the benefit of the

Ok, I think I need to sink my teeth into this. I started high school in 2000, but for a chunk of the year, I was in 8th grade (which reminds me, Pen15 fans should see Eighth Grade). I was in 7th grade for the 98-99 school year and I was obsessed with the Delia’s and Alloy catalogs, updating my webpage,

Speaking of, I bet Bryan Adams fucking hates this guy

She plays a magician in the syfy show Magicians! It’s literal magic, I bet she’s just playing herself.

Cannon said Tuesday that he was the one who counseled Davidson after his breakup with Ariana Grande

Facebook. But it’s free!


That’s my concern too. People are paying for the priveleges to be data mined.

DNA testing conspiracy theorists

I think that woman would be triggered by absolutely anything. This has nothing to do with the size of the seats and everything to do with her being an abusive garbage person who moves through life looking for any opportunity to degrade other people while feeling self-righteously aggrieved.