
Her name is Saga? Holy shit... Ragnarok, here we come.

Turns out doxxing a public official is highly illegal

Relax, we have been warned about this for weeks that FEMA was testing the Wireless Emergency Alert system. They tested it under Obama they can test it under trump. Breath

I just got a SECOND FUCKING ALERT. WTF?! Am I gonna get this bullshit all fucking day long??

I swear to god there are few things that make my blood boil more than when I hear people saying this...

That’s Kanavaugh for you, getting in whether or not we want him to.

They knew. Exactly who, and when they knew it, and just how bad it’s going to get when other women come forward (protip about sexual misconduct allegations: there are almost always other women) is going to be what makes this blow up right in the GOP’s fucking face.

100% how does a guy who went to an all boys high school have 60+ women who remember him in high school, and that this letter would be provided two days after Feinstein’s letter is revealed. This is a whole pile of WTF.

Yup. The Republicans will only care if the guy’s caught with a dead girl or a live boy.

I read The Help and wanted to know more about the working women and their perspectives. The Help’s author referenced Telling Memories Among Southern Women by Susan Tucker, so I got a copy.

Hm, think it would have been better to keep the TBF out of the comment. 

It’s also telling that sex workers are cast aside in this narrative. Allen was, as she wrote in her Instagram post, in a “dark time” but now she’s moved on. She doesn’t “do it anymore.” She’s “not proud.” What about those sex workers who helped her in that “dark time” and served as “an outlet”? After all, the fact of

I don’t know....those text messages sent to Rain Dove where she admitted she had sex with him. The fact that she tried to justify it because she was in a relationship at 17 with a 33 year old. The fact that she’s now pinning the payout on the dead guy who can’t really defend himself. The fact that she’s using the same

All I can think of when I see Xan as a name is this Xan:

I don't either. When I saw porn star body and urine on a plaque, I assumed it was about Trump's trip to Russia.

I am too old for that, what happen to breaking up with post its??

They’re not worth knowing

Holy crap I TOTALLY forgot about that.

Nebraska sure is an anomaly.

I don’t know what’s the worse out of these two horrendous things. The abuse of a minor while in a position of power over them or the fact she’s now using the same language of denial and claims of persecution that all the abusers up to now have used to try and get away with, when she knows what it’s like to be on the