
Here’s the thing, though. Destiny 2 is great.

Daenerys is really gonna have Aegon her face when she finds out who she’s hooking up with tonight!

Why is one role for other people to decide but another role is for you to decide?

Why are so many people fine with L being racebent? The argument I hear for the anger of Light is because that role could have gone to an Asian American actor. And L’s role couldn’t? In the Death Note 13: How to Read, L reveals he is a quarter Japanese and the rest is English, French, Russian and Italian. There are

Eee! Space battles! Land battles! Looks like will get both like I hoped for.

Christ on a flaming cracker, that vainglorious idiot is so wretchedly out of his depth it’s painful to watch. A belligerent, stupid man too bellicose and insecure to even fathom how utterly incapable he is at dealing with a minor traffic infraction, much less an actual honest-to-god international crisis. People will

Why did it take media coverage for USPS to get off their ass and fix the problem they caused?

With “unpredictable and homicidal” you just described most of Batman’s rouge gallery. The Joker is more than just an unpredictable killer. He’s supposed to have an innate, but twisted, sense of humor that permeates his actions. He kills when there is a punch line. His actions and schemes are all about the dramatic and

You missed that RX-24 droid from Star Tours!

I hope Tilda Swinton and Podrick get back in time to help Jon Snow and Sansa Fierce defeat Evil Elijah Wood.

This is definitely worth some attention.


OH MY FUCKING GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!