
See, to a degree, I /could/ see this being successful, but it’d have to be done /right/. I know in my area there’s not many places to go for like these sorts of things, and I know other areas are the same. So having one isn’t bad. In larger cities though, this concept will struggle and possibly flounder. Like putting

My heart and prayers go out to her family and the League Community who embraced her as a whole. I hope she is happy in her next life and is able to do whatever it is she wishes to accomplish there. Twenty Four is way to young for anyone to die, especially someone who was breaking ground. I’ll miss her, even though I

Urgh, this hurts. I love the Runaways and have been watching it nonstop, was in the Hulu theatre for the Season premiere at NYCC this year. Marvel, seriously, can you just /not/? Why end something so good? Why end any of your shows? Just because the House of Mouse has a streaming platform doesn’t mean you need to

F For DeadSpin.

Wings. Carapaces. Dominatrix’s. Blizzard has a strong BDSM fetish.

And yet they still have not reversed any of the bans or suspensions. Follow words are hollow.

I honestly can’t wait for this movie to come out. I am so hyped for it and the trailer, and the trailer itself gives me hope that we’ll be able to come together and make the world a better place. I know I want to be more proactive about it. Time to get involved.

I had to do this a few years ago with one of my online circles. Those who were good and not toxic presences or contributing to a toxic environment I stayed in contact with. The others I just blocked because they either wouldn’t see things as they were or just excused their behavior or others. I’ve lost other friends

SWTOR really only has two or three Jumping Puzzles for Datacrons unless they released newer ones since the base game. Those three are evil too, and I loved every moment of them.

Part of the problem with this is that the sales and backers are limited to the US. People from all over would buy this no problem.

I could justify a six hundred dollar purpose if I had time, the timeline on this was waaaay too short, and in the middle of Con season, School starting, etc. Tax season would have been the place to launch this.

My question is, will it have a toolset ala NWN and allow for multiplayer servers.

Man, r/FreeFolk is gonna be all over this.

Here’s hoping the old friend who shows up is Chuck on Supernatural!

I think this headline should be “Anthem is so bad it’s Microtransactions don’t even want to be in it.”

I know right? I was super happy for him and Skeet Ulrich, as I’ver enjoyed everything they’ve done. Luke’s going to be missed by me, I loved him.

Man, this is a hit. I knew him from 90210 but he was in a lot of other shows I liked growing up too, Jeremiah being chief among them. I’ve loved him on Riverdale and losing him is going to be a big hit to the show and the fandom who I also think have enjoyed him. He was way too young to pass on. Way too young, and

I love all of them, this is really a hard choice, but I think I’m gonna go with Sobble. As Jim Sterling put it he is Sobblevious choice.

I’m glad this finally came up here. I’m a member of several facebook groups in regards to Dragonball where he has defenders in. Thankfully though, I can say many people have denounced those asking to stand with Vic and to spread the word he’s a good guy. The people doing that won’t believe evidence for the most part,

Man I can’t wait for this film and Captain Marvel!