
I think there’s grounds to charge him as an accessory. Regardless if he intended to swat that person or not, he intended to get a person he believed he had been given the address of, swatted. He gave that address to someone who was known for commuting a crime, and filing a false police report at the very least is a

At the very least it makes him an accessory.

This is something that should have happened to the guy who did the swatting, the other guy in my opinion, should also face a charge. Back when this blshit started people said this would lead to someone getting killed eventually, and maybe even someone completely unrelated to the people involved, like in this. I hope

This game is starting to remind me of SWTOR in the worst way possible, where the Dev’s did too little too late and then took the game out back and shot it in the back of the head.

I really want Screen Junkies to continue, but man, do they ever look bad especially after Max Landis’s shit came out who was frequently on Movie Fights.

Hey! I liked finding Dory, Dean from Supernatural likes Dory too!

What about when Kylo Ren turned to Rey and asked her to join him and pretty much said “Let’s end the Sith, the Jedi, the resistance, and rule over the Galaxy.”

SOmeone on Reddit said that they weren’t an ea leaker and said that this was going to happen and keep pushing back. Apparently EA knew the blow back would be massive and wanted it to happen as these are the prices they really had in mind for things. So I say keep pushing on the off chance that is right and keep

That update from EA sounds like a PR spin to get people to stop complaining while they do nothing. Make no mistake, if the community doesn’t take a stand now, nothing will change. May SWTOR be a warning to all.

This would have amazing years ago before the age of WoWs combat engine became apparent to a lot of players. Sorry, PVP is just not fun in WoW to the degree it is in other MMOs, it’s less fluid, it’s clunky, it just doesn’t flow well, etc. PVP has been done much better in other games that had their own issues, Blade

Is this kind of like video game studio Stockholm syndrome? I mean since EA fucked them with the release of Titanfall 2, and put them in this position where they would need a cash infusion to go on, and so they willingly sold themselves to the guys who fucked them? ....Maybe this is more like an abusive relationship

That’s some hyperbole. There’s no evidence that a stolen game = a lost sale.

“Steady 30 frames per second.” Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit Ubisoft and make a game right. 60Fps, no less!

Honestly, I’m glad this happened. The rumors about Spacey and his conduct with his male coworkers and crew have been around for years, and I say Shame on Netflix and other places that hired him knowing well what he did. We know what he did is the truth which means a lot of other allegations are likely true, and also

See, this is helpful because it sort of addresses my main hiccup with joining the bandwagon but even then part of me Ian still hesitant. I mean people make mistakes all mistakes all the time and this could very well have been one on her part(overlooking the pretty much attempted rape.).

I agree with all of this.

I want to believe the girl, and I’m sort of pretty much leaning in their favor, but the thing that keeps me from going fully rooting for her is that she admits she had a physical relationship with him later.

I’m sort of hoping for a video games crash to expel all this microtransaction bullshit from the Dev table. It’s the only thing we can do to make this sort of thing stop.

The update sounds like PR Spin bullshit. Sorry Bungie fuck you and your bullshit systems and microtransactions.

Don’t matter if how the game is ig it’s using predatory practices to bilk more money out of people that were previously free and permanent. I was interested in buying this game until this shit, so until Bungie rectifies this they can kiss my sixty bucks goodbye.