
Not even a month into the new gen and we're already getting HD remakes...

Maybe within the next 30 years someone will do a remake of the game that's meant for one player, with specific characters written for a multi-man party somewhat like Final Fantasy III.

Somehow, GameStop is all of these people at once.

Its because people got a free 10$ gift card when they purchesed the system. Most people bought Flower because it was less than 10$.

When the PS4's top selling digital download is a port, that says a lot.

What wizardry is THIS?

Maybe your 1980's toys sucked, mine were awesome.

Dude, just be happy you weren't around for Christmas 1929...

1984 was awesome for toys. 1st year of Transformers. GI Joe, He-Man, etc.

I second this motion.

Snacktaku needs to do a review on this!

For me, 9 was the beginning of the quick decline of my interest in FF games.

:( I'm a potty mouth I guess :P

He's a famous baseball player.

Fire Emblem: Awakening ($15) | Best Buy

Do it! ZombiU is the best survival horror game in years! All the negativity leveled at it was from people expecting Left4Dead, which ZU has no pretensions of being. It's an "FPS" where every bullet counts—to the point where you're counting every bullet. Play with the lights off for the best experience.

Bonus Round: Vice

That... almost fits in really well.

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