
Remember, according to those game EULAs we all blow through and ignore, you might own the disk, but you don’t own the data that’s on it. Making money or exchanging funds using a Nintendo game is strictly forbidden by the EULA. Nintendo and many other companies will go through extraordinary lengths to protect their

I enjoyed all 10+ animated shorts of Pokemon Generations they released on YouTube several years back. If Evolutions is anything like them, I’m down.

Vintage video gamer here. They say if it acts like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it’s most likely a duck. There are just too many coincidences in this story to ignore, the biggest one being the infancy of Wata’s existence and its relationship with Heritage. Most likely some shady dealings going on

I'll take Guy Smiley over Blossom any day of the week. 

I was disappointed that he didn’t develop any kind of super human powers. I’m glad he’s OK though 🙂

This is exciting news! I’ve been dabbling with GBA emulation lately, so this comes as a coincidental surprise. Really looking forward to testing this out!  Now let's work on getting other oddball games running, like Kirby's Tilt and Tumble for GBC. 

The last gaming generation to see fully preserved games printed on disc or cartridge was Wii/PS2/DS. Gaming systems that came out after this era started the concept putting “some” of the data on the disc and got the consumer to pay/download the rest as DLC/updates. This is already causing havoc in the emulation

Why update such an old game? The answer is because Final Fantasy prints money, and more folks are getting into PC gaming with each passing year.  May as well put your best foot forward and welcome new gamers to your properly functioning classics. 

Except it’s not your game. If you read the EULA that comes with “your” game (either physically or digitally), it states that you may own the disc or hard drive it’s saved on, but you don’t own the data itself. This apparently can also lead into a slippery slope with save data, as mentioned in this story.  Lawyers,

Nowadays free to play gaming apps eat dollar bills.

Ryu Hayabusa for Smash Ultimate!! Tecmo needs a little representation. 

Bidoof better be the final slot for Smash Bros Ultimate or we riot!! 

I wish more companies would take Walmart’s approach to this, which was a bot checker before entering the page (the kind where you have to select multiple pictures) and limit one per person. That at least slowed down the preorder sellout of the recently announced Metroid Dread Amiibos from seconds to minutes. 

Yeah, I own know the second game was exclusive to Game Boy Advance (at least at first). But is it enough for that final slot on the roster though? Metal Gear has been around since NES days, and was a very popular choice to get a NES for, so it makes sense for him to be in the game. Otherwise I agree with your other

They own Rare, which means Killer Instinct could be a possibility. Maybe the final character will be Saberwulf or Fulgore. 

If it has to be a sword fighter, then Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden is my top pick. Tecmo needs a little representation here. 

Come on, where’s that Tecmo representation? Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden seems like an obvious choice to me, especially considering that Switch is getting the 3D trilogy soon. They could include moves and costumes from both the new and original NES trilogy.

Goku is at least in the realm possibility since Namco owns the rights and they have a solid presence in Smash. Although DBZ has had games on Nintendo platforms, it just doesn’t make sense for the message behind this particular game.

Nah, Sora is poor choice anyway since Kingdom Hearts really isn’t seen as a home for Nintendo hardware (yes I know a few games have made it over, but it's primarily for Sony/Microsoft/Steam). I’m surprised Tecmo hasn’t had any representation yet. Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden seems like an obvious choice to me.

You just described the process of fame and getting rich. Kotaku, like other mainstream media sources, serve as an outlet for celebrities (which includes Hollywood actors, sports stars, prowrestlers, politicians). If you need further proof, just read CNN, where the top story is Harry and Megan’s pregnancy, while a