Cars would be so much better if engineers designed them and designers stuck to finger painting.

It looks like a Mitsubishi Lancer, and that isn't a good thing. The most interesting aspect of this car's look is the fuel door that fits so badly the gaps could be seen from outer space. The Caliber may have actually been an awful Mitsubishi under the skin, but at least it didn't look like one.

Have a good weekend.

Isn't Ron Paul a Republican? I certainly criticized him. I said he was a dope because he allows interviewers to pigeon hole him as a crack legalizer rather than being able to turn the conversation back to constructive subjects like states rights and a federal government we can afford. I called him a nut because he

"Of course, it is possible that will.i.am had the same design crafted on a Chrysler 300 (or similar) platform and it somehow ended up looking exactly like his custom RWD, mid-engined DeLorean."

IIRC, my 1985 Audi 5000S had this same alert on its multi-purpose warning display window. That car didn't have ABS, stability or traction control. I believe the triangle with the circular arrow indicated failure of the braking system.

BMW's Active Steering does change the angle of the front wheels relative to the steering wheel. Hypothetically, a mechanical failure of active steering results in the planetary gearbox between the steering column and the steering rack becoming locked. If the failure is electronic though, it is possible for the

I remember the good old days, when you could pass out while wasted behind the wheel of your RX-7 and take out two entire rows of dealer inventory and not wind up the object of ridicule on the internet. A dude a couple years ahead of me at my high-school did just that. Whatever the repercussions were, they weren't so

It's missing something.

More importantly, is there room for Bob King and Richard Trumka under there?

When I was a kid reading about them in Popular Mechanics, the fastest snowmobiles on the market were already hitting 100 mph. They were probably big 2-strokes, but it seems likely that they're at least as fast today.

Wow. You have swallowed a line of bull shit. I know many, many tea party attendees. Retired senior intelligence officers, retired UVA professors, the few conservative lawyers in the country, doctors facing retirement in their late '40s rather than trying to work in the Obamacare framework. None of them are lower

The guys that fought in WWII grew up in functional households with a mother and father. They weren't selfish, undisciplined junkies that thought drug use gave them a leg up on linear thinkers. Whether or not they came back and abused alcohol and drugs, having seen things that shouldn't have to happen at all, is not an

His name is Kalle Lasn, and he founded Adbusters. No, he doesn't give a shit about the US Constitution, which itself doesn't just consist of the First Amendment. It also places limits on the scope of our federal government, limits which the piece of shit redistributionists of OWS find standing in the way of their

This. WTF is wrong with people that they think this guy was treated unfairly and deserves restitution from the police? Hey dumb fucks! The police is us! We pay for their mistakes in our taxes! Obama doesn't have deep pockets. He's stealing it all from you and me!

This guy was acting like most of the cops on this plant.


People that served in the army and are part of the OWS crowd are called mercenaries. They obviously don't support the constitution or American values, so they once joined up for a check. That's what a mercenary does, and it is why they aren't held in the same esteem as soldiers. Being manipulated into setting ones

I'm confused by what you've said. Americans do volunteer for our country. Weren't you one of those volunteers? Wouldn't a draft diminish your service? My perspective is that a draft would diminish the service of volunteers and force good men who volunteered to coexist with less good men who would be drafted. Do you

Why should it boil my blood that they're getting $100K? Would you do their jobs for less? I assume they're using the training they were paid to receive while in the military, which explains both their value and one reason why our soldiers are paid less. I'm under the impression that they are being paid by private