I borrowed one of those Thursday. It was just like the one in your photo, except with 84K miles of abuse including several runs up and down the Baja peninsula. Awesome truck. Manual differential locks rule.

Isn't the cream colored inverted truck a Toyota?

I think there are some interesting Saab muscle cars in that collection, like a 6 cylinder 2 stroke 93, a V8 99 or two, and a 4 cam 9000 V8.

Dan Neil for the loss. He's the reason I don't watch.

Hmm... He is from Woking, where the Martians first landed in H.G. Wells' "The War of the Worlds." Make of it what you will.

Touche. On the other hand, I can't imagine Ron Dennis doing anything other than disseminating BS to the press.

Well, they also built the Mercedes SLR. Their F1 experience also points to a remarkable ability to create components that work as intended without the luxury of years of development.

I'm sure it was human error. I don't think McLaren is staffed by space aliens.

It seems like a pretty good list. I'm indifferent to the CR-Z and Prius, but the rest of the cars on the list all elicited nausea upon first encounter.

Did you ever see Robocop? The XJ looks like the 6000 SUX.

Either way? Did you read the part where it said he was a lawyer?


Some people are happy with them. Hopefully your mom got a good one!

That's hilarious spin. Do you believe yourself? Even if we were the ones buying the oil rather than China, which we're not, we would still be better off producing our own oil and not exporting our borrowed wealth. Obama has done everything he can to curtail domestic production while helping out China and Brazil with


I hope they're all shades of grey then!

If you really missed it:

It isn't like they did that good a job back when there might be consequences.

Did you know that Wacko Jacko copied the single glove from underclassmen at the Citadel? If caught pleasuring yourself, the sanction was that you had to wear one glove.

Was that before the Pentastar V6 restored the missing oomph to the Wrangler? Maybe there is more demand for the latest one, or maybe Chrysler is trying to pull a Silverado by just packing their distribution network and calling shipped trucks sold.