Motor Trend has driven the new 6-series convertible. 4,550 lbs. BMWs have sunken to the point where they wouldn't even be interesting if they stopped being ugly.

It seems to me that a daily driver that returns 30 mpg like the author's old E21 is a very different thing from a recent CAFE queen like the V6 Mustang with its 31 EPA MPG highway rating. People that drive anywhere other than the freeway are lucky to get 70% of 30 MPG in the Mustang. If highway is all it takes, I'll

@Subasaki: Why do you think he has balls? He fucked up. That doesn't take any balls. Is twittering macho? Or is there some Gawker context for the property of having balls? I suppose he could cut it at Gawker, being an incompetent dope.

This is a giant leap towards slavery for the EU.

I'm not sure if that constitutes an Achille's Heel when you consider that EVERYTHING about a Lancia Beta started to fail the second it left the production line. Watch the opening sequence of "Modern Problems" with Chevy Chase to see what Lancia Beta ownership inspired from Hollywood.

7.3L Powerstroke

The truth hurts, especially in Detroit.

@TheTonyShow: It is a revelation because their previous car was a BMW with a body computer.

I've read that the Model Js were all built in the first two years of production, or at least all the chassis and engines were. They then sat in wharehouses until they could be sold and bodied. Can anyone here confirm or disprove?

I'm partial to 1988. It was the best year in BMW's history, with a US product line packed with future classics. The E30 line included the real M3, the lively 325is, and the super eta 325, all with the highest standard content of any year for the E30s. You could still get BMW's other best product line, the E28, and

@abgwin: I loved my father's 1966 Dodge Coronet 440 2-door hardtop.

I favor the cars built by Auto Union and Mercedes Benz for the glory of Hitler in the pre-WWII Grand Prix era. They had power that wouldn't be seen again until the late '60s, tires and brakes of the '30s, exotic rocket fuels, and innovative uses of magnesium.

@1SAM420: People stopped investing in rail because the unions organized railway workers early and fought all efforts to control costs. Railroads had to keep 'featherbed' jobs that were obsolete. There were firemen on diesel locomotives, even though there were no boilers or fires. As a result, railways can't compete

That's actually pretty tasteful for a Porsche. Ever see the last 928GTS imported? Everything on it was dyed green. Take a look at some of the Gallardos on their site if you want to see what monkeybucks are really buying.

Maybe Michael Waltrip should have been teaching David Reutimann how to drive in the draft instead.

@thunderhorse: It is possible they didn't want him racing Corvettes because they didn't anticipate him being competitive enough and didn't want to see Corvettes losing to cars that are much slower than Corvettes in stock trim. I'm not saying it justifies their actions. I think they are corrupt refuse and I will dance

Are you claiming that tea party attendees started calling themselves teabaggers? No wonder you're a liberal. You aren't just ignorant of everything that came before you, you're ignorant of the history of the past 3 years. Speaking of baby boomers, they are not a group that is over represented at tea parties. Most of

The tea parties consist of people who read the US Constitution while you were learning about the joys of having another man's testicles in your mouth. The irony of liberals calling people teabaggers who didn't even know about the practice previously is pretty hillarious. Why don't you really go low and call patriots

The 'situation of a wounded veteran' was that he had the misfortune of being welcomed home by a few of your counterparts. How am I exploiting him exactly? I doubt he is aware of this conversation, and I'm thankful. He has already seen more deplorable, characterless ciphers like you than he deserved to.