@rt.pittman: That's a great car! Ours had a 273 and Torqueflite. It might have stuck around longer, but a black vinyl interior and no A/C wasn't the best choice for Virginia in the summer. I loved the interior air vents with the little knobs on either side of the steering column though. I'm glad you chose to repair

I'm not aware of anyone paying more than LeMons money for 164s and Milanos, but Alfa fanatics pay absolutely insane money for anything pre-1975. I don't know how that would apply to this generically styled Alfasud continuation. I thought they were pretty cool when I lived in Hilversum in 1984, but I had only driven a

External headlight mounting hardware is gone because of the dirty hippy stoner generation known as the baby boom and their popularization of the phrase 'midnight auto parts.' Now get off my lawn!

@rt.pittman: When I was a child, my father drove a maroon 1966 Dodge Coronet 440 2-door hardtop with black vinyl bench seats. I still consider it to be one of the best looking cars ever made. Unfortunately, he gave it to my cousin in 1979. After about 270K miles of being driven on crumbling NYC streets, the front end

What happened to the Chevrolet S10 that sometimes seems to own NASA?

@Hamid_Carguy: Between 2002 and 2008, there were 184 officially imported Unimogs sold new through Freightliner dealerships.

I worked at a Saab dealer in 1989. Our customers became envious of owners of cars that moved without being hooked to the back of a tow truck.

Considering there was still a Pentastar on the building when the photos were taken, what does this say about the concern Chrysler had for the treatment its customers received from its dealers? Obviously they guy was a lunatic, but he was the face of Dodge in his region.

@circa: That's exactly what I thought, and I believe Audi's best styling era is long gone.

Considering it doesn't have emissions controls and has such light reciproctating masses, I'd have expected higher specific output. NASCAR Sprint Cup engines are pushing 160 hp/liter now with a carburetor and ignition restrictions. I'd have hoped this engine would turn at least 10,000 rpm and produce over 200 hp. As it

@steve.: It sounds like he seems knowledgeable to you. It's all relative.

@exartist: That's what I thought when I saw this too. Knowing about cars isn't a requirement for becoming a writer here.

Only buy cars that really exist. 128 Spyder? I think that was called the X1/9. Don't take advice from people who don't know about cars. There are lots of them out there.

The outgoing GT-R only made 3.3 second acceleration runs until Nissan reprogrammed the lauch control so that it could be used more than once per transmission. After this number gets published, Nissan will probably drop the launch RPM by a few thousand once again in the hopes of avoiding having to deny warranty

Call me when it can pull 90 degree turns at maximum speed.

I wouldn't wait in the freezing cold for the resurrection of Dale Earnhardt and I have no respect for celebrity stalkers of any sort. Reading the tone of this article, I get the strong impression that Matt Hardigree is a hero worshipping jock sniffer of the highest order. Stellar! Burn! Legendary! Schooled! Beatdown!

Anyone remember where to get tar and feathers?

@snap_understeer_ftw: That's just sad. What is the unentertaining part of your life like?