The Honda Beat is a miniature NSX roadster. There is one in Pacific Beach, but the owner has removed all the Honda logos, leaving behind just the one that says Pinifarina.

@perditamarie: Disgusting is asking our best and brightest to put their lives on the line for this country and then electing someone who hates it.

Probably like many, I knew how to use manual transmission motorcycles long before I reached drivers' ed. I first drove a car with a stick when I was 9 years old, but I still chose an automatic for use on the driving range in highschool. Getting my license was far more important than any bragging rights that would have

@Mach1_Guy: I don't get it either, but plenty of people started on manuals and then ceded control to the transmission.

The previous SSC was less than beautiful until parked next to the heinous Bugatti. This one looks pretty good even without context.

@Sensei Hikaru: Prop 8 wasn't overwhelmingly supported. IIRC, it passed with about 52% of the vote. It wouldn't have passed at all, but black turnout was at an all-time high because of Obama. As much as he wanted it defeated, black voters voted for Prop 8 in similar proportions to how they voted for Obama. The voters

Jonathan Goldsmith couldn't look cool driving a Volvo 240.

We need to put these hypocritical totalitarian monsters in the ground while we still have the freedom to.

Emanuel the tranny said Fuck the UAW? Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

@Sensei Hikaru: I heard on the radio that this hacker movie is now critically acclaimed. They also played some audio from the movie. It turns out that politicians who reflect the desire of the 81% of US citizens who want the border enforced are ridiculous and deserving of assassination. Thanks for the education

With graphics like that, you'd might as well unzip your fly and show people what you thought you were compensating for.

@brandspro: Exactly. They assume their customers are incompetents.

@Scoutch:_Jalofftopnik: I used to get electrolysis between the rim and the rear brake rotors on my old BMW. I suspect that the wheel bolts were still necessary to keep the wheels on for cornering, but the bolts seemed redundant whenever I was trying to get the wheels free to rotate them or put on snows.

@jp182: No also needed. These guys don't even have to register their vehicles while working people who can't pass for illegal immigrants have an army of revenue collectors posing as police enforcing punitive charges for driving a car. The point about Jessica Alba is that she outed herself as an imbecile during the

@jumpmanx2424: BMW doesn't want those customers anymore. That's why they don't have dipsticks for checking the oil and provide free maintenance. Why would the dealers respect the customers when BMW doesn't?

Let's celebrate that no laws apply to people who might be in California illegally. Any taxpaying caucasian has to dread SMOG inspections and absurd vehicle registration and property tax rates, enforced with camera trucks that prowl residential neighborhoods searching license plates to see if the cars they're assigned

@TouchMyMonkey: I'd expand that to buying any GM passenger car or financial instrument.

@skrooloose: Is that 4-wheel steering or rear suspension failure? I doubt Daewoo had too much to do with the LeMans' crumminess. GM likes to crappify international platforms for US consumption. Just compare a 1983 Chevy Cavalier to an Opel Ascona of the same vintage.

@voltzvibe: It may have looked awful to many people, but ownership was worse than it looked. My landlady had one, and I helped her trade it in on a new Kia. She was bilked out of thousands of dollars trying to get the CEL to turn off so that it could pass SMOG. I regularly had to help her retrieve it after she cabbed

@corporateoppressor: That is the symbol for Scania AB, manufacturer of commercial vehicles. Scania has been around in some form or other for well over 100 years. They merged with Saab in 1969 and then split from Saab in 1995.