@spectralveil: It was just some sloppy wording on my part. I remember what an AP exam was. It just seems remarkable that a high school student would have an art history track record to determine their placement into an AP art history class. I graduated from a high school that wasn't exactly some inner city daycare

I realize I'm old, but when I was in high school it was necessary to test into Advanced Placement classes. Was there an AP Art History exam, or did you just have to be more effete than the academic art history students?

@TexasP: How are their drivers being subsidized? In countries with extensive mass transit, the mass transit is paid for with high gas taxes. Even here, we pay more in gas tax than we received in highway construction and maintenance. Social engineers may not be telling you the truth. I had someone try to sell me on the

@Bueller: The last C4 LT5 was made in 1995 with 405 hp and the ZO6 of 2002 had 405 hp from its LS6. We could compromise and say that the LT5 reached 405 hp in 1993 so it really took 9 years. ;-)

@pauljones: It will be easier for GM to use energy policy to move the market to what they have in the pipeline then it would be to build another premium V8.

@Bueller: It only took the LS6 7 years to match the last LT5 in output, while surpassing it in terms of lighter weight, less fuel consumption, and fewer durability issues. I don't share your view that cam count equals modernity. 4 valve engines are close to their 100th birthday, but there aren't any 4-cam V8s that

@Ralph Wiley Is Poised: Interesting. I'd have thought the Continental would be able to take advantage of its short wheelbase and lack of being a unibody on top of a full frame car to weigh in considerably less than the Imperial. Looks like I was wrong, but I don't recall mid-'60s big Chryslers being revered for their

@pauljones: The Northstar dies this month.

If you read the chart, they built most of the wagons last year. They've probably satisfied the demand, if similar products from Lexus and Jaguar in recent years are any indication.

ANY commute in a car is better than one on a crowded subway. An NYC subway ride at rush hour is all about frotteurism in the summer and having lepers coughing and sneezing in your face in the winter. I'd rather sit in my car for 3 hours any day.

Looks like somebody's coke dealer role model had a real AMG Mercedes.

With the exception of the ProStock dragster, it seems worth noting that all the cars that would actually be slow are European. Jensen Button driving a Citroen 2CV would only be able to see a random cabbie in a Metro for the first 20 seconds of their race. The Lincoln could straight-line any bits so tight that it

@Baby Beater Benz: I'm an automatic hater of the first order, but you're right about the automatic/'80s turbo combination being less bad than a manual/turbo combination. The automatic is one of the best ever made in my experience, being a 3 speed TorqueFlite. When I was a teenager, my parents had 3 cars with 3-speed

@slotter: Detroit is the birthplace of techno? Maybe Charlie LeDuff has a point for once.

@OA 5599: I didn't know that was why there was a Magnum and a Charger. Thanks! Wasn't the PT Cruiser classified as a light truck for NHTSA standards and as a car for EPA or vice-versa?

I just hope the stock was purchased by private fools. Institutional investors who ignored their responsibility to their clients and threw their money down this hole should face jail time.

The only thing better would be a matte finish paint job!

@WOT: This wasn't a choice made voluntarily by the mass market auto makers. Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards meant that they had to move away from selling meaninful numbers of conventional full sized cars. CAFE didn't apply to trucks so trucks morphed into high riding versions of the family wagons Americans