
Americans have a right to be Ignorant!

Adding another plastic bag to our ever-growing trash heap seems like a lazy, selfish alternative to rinsing a bowl.

Another option: eat all the cheese.

*whispers as quietly as possible* If only Assassin's Creed III had played as well as the art looked.

I can't wait not to buy it

Oh wow. You are totally right. Maybe they could go back to the 1880s and kill her great-great grand parents. Or go back to 1950 and stop her parents from meeting at a school dance.

Love this place, got to go mountain biking on slick rock, but unfortunately I don't think our rental GMC Acadia was up to the task

Even in concept she's incredibly disproportionate, ugh it bugs me sooo much.

Can we talk about how the female artist has clearly internalized misogyny and is objectifying Bayonetta as little more than gratuitous sex object for men? Because it's totally the most offensive thing ever.

For the love of taste buds, use BUTTER, not margarine! Awesome vid, though.

It's convenient. Much easier to drop my phone on an induction pad on my nightstand than it is to fumble with a cable. It's not far slower than charging with the plugin variety, but on the nightstand overnight it doesn't matter anyways.

Yeah, no. The grind plays a big role, too. A coarse grind might only have a fraction of the surface area of a fine grind. And if you're trying for ongoing, predictable results, you don't use a small measuring device like a teaspoon... you use a larger one, like a level 1/4 cup or 1/2 cup metal measuring cup. There are

Don't forget water temperature too. I've found anything over 90C in my aeropress doesn't taste good. I always shoot for around 85...

Can I make money for take screenshots of existing apps and shrinking them down to a certain rectangle size and pretending it fucking matters? ZOMG EEEEEE THIS IS WHAT APPLE WATCH APPS MIGHT LOOK LIKE!!!!!!! I am on the absolute bleeding edge of tech at all times but could not give a fuck less that someone

Yeah you could have said something along those lines but the fact you called them the "political correct ones" kinda belied your feelings.

5mm wider and 3 mm thicker, not exactly "a lot". Maybe if you have small hands the width could be bothersome but the "thickness" is actually refreshing (10mm total). It feels better in the hand. You're hands are not flat, they curve when holding objects. Someday apple will learn ergonomics and not just make things

Yupp, it's not a behemoth, it is a year old, and still a better phone than the iPhone 6.

It's also a year old and the new nexus is rumored to be like 5.9 inches.

You sir are a dummy. You focus in on screen size but ignore the fact that the new Moto X is a miniscule 2mm bigger than the iphone 6 but somehow it is a clydesdale and the iphone 6 isn't? I mean the iPhone 6 feels like shit in the hand because its basically too thin and slippery. The Moto X contours to your hand and