
The LASER is making a sodium vapor lamp (same reaction as going on in a street lamp). The reaction that powers stars is the nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium.

Is it 2002 again? I remember these sorts of animations in junior high when the couple MB these gifs were had been a bitch since I was still on 56k.

You say that, and then you move in with 3 female roommates, and you spend inordinate amounts of time pulling hair out of the drain, off your vacuum brush, and out of every corner of the house.

YAY, now I can steal peoples bank pins easy..... these really shouldn't be available

"Get outta here and camp out for the next Nexus." Apple hipster thinks everyone camps for over priced, low spec under performing phones. I'll stick with my Note 3 until the 4 comes out with 4k screen, quad core, 4 gigs ram, s pen that has some awesome features. Need I say more?

I'll get this out of the way up front; I don't think your review was compelling whatsoever. I mean I see the point you're attempting to make (at least I think I do); The iPhone is the "best" all around phone you can get. But you fail to effectively compare it with other phones. Not trying to be an anti-Apple fanboy,

The Fix.

Spoiler Alert: You are in Paris.

Apple watch will not fly, I'm sorry Giz, no matter how much apple pays you.

Like always, apple fans will only criticize a flaw as long as it's still a rumor. Once it's official, then it must be good, because it's official. Criticism stops.

Looks just like the Google Wallet model with the exception that it keeps your transactions private. I see this driving success for Google Wallet as well as all the pay terminals look to be the same. So for all practicality this will be good for Google too. This means, so long ISIS/Softcard, your weirdo SIMs, carrier

Conjecture. Pure conjecture-based bullcrap click-bait, Ashley.

I second your counterpoint! I enjoy reclining too! It's better for my back and allows me to sleep like a baby. When unreclined my head falls forward and even if i can fall asleep I'll snore like a chainsaw.

Counterpoint: I enjoy reclining.

it's a rich people festival these days.

step 1. don't go to burning man

There are three types of tragedies in life. One is not getting what you want, one is getting it, and one is crowdfunding a watch that doesn't tell time.

The entire United States.