
just ordered it. am leaving verizon the minute it gets here and jumping to T-mo. makes sense in NYC where service isn't an issue. Makes even more sense if you travel internationally at all (considerting T-mo's recent decision to give unlimited int'l data).

Actually, it's just as hard to clean UNDER the actual bed, as i'm assuming the bottom compartment has a floor and isn't just a gaping hole.

#corrections- the front camera is 1.3 megapixels.


you're mistakening the age of the tar pits for the age of the city. Easy on the Link bait, homie.

can you guys please cover "Good" knives for once instead of gimmicky ones?

...and now let's price out how much a PC would cost for the same specs. #winnerwinnerPCdinner

are you suggesting that he sensationalized the story for higher clickthroughs??

I am in the EXACT same situation as you, less the cracked screen.

I just can't bring myself to agree with you. What exactly was so innovative about the new release?

Ha! that's some spectacular trolling. #pretentioustrollispretentious

agree to disagree on trajectory. I think their capability to innovate and properly position in the market has largely plateaued, and they are now finding themselves taking cues from other OS platforms and manufacturers.

This is ill-informed navel gazing, IMO. These device issues you mention are largely due to Apple being a closed system. Even the ridiculousness that is the proprietary apple charging connector is indicative of their philosophies. Apple doesn't want to be truly universal, it wants to force ubiquity through

This game should have been called: Metroid: Because Japan.

You guys are like romulus and remus sucking at the teat of the iWolf.

It's funny how your perspective changes when it's about a sport you care about.

I just wish they would feature GOOD knives and gadgets. Shouldn't they be exemplars of good design and not kitschy crap?

why is this on gizmodo?