Isn’t there already a The Carters - like June Carter Cash, etc.? Or is this them?
Isn’t there already a The Carters - like June Carter Cash, etc.? Or is this them?
My lawn too... if I’ve ever heard a song by either one of them I don’t remember it
I don’t mean to be hipsterish or superior (quite the opposite!) by keeping score at a game - for me it’s just a fun thing to do. I’ve got a folder full of papers (I just use plain old paper, not special “score-keeping” paper) of all the games I’ve ever attended. When I put a new one in the folder it’s fun to look back…
That was exactly my point - that college girl had a very good point.
Have these people never heard of boxing gloves?
True story! (that I may have told here before, apologies if repetitious)...
Agreed re: women deserve respect and their opinions should be taken seriously, etc... but “Bull Durham” has nothing to do with it. “Bull Durham” sucks, as does all of the other crap that Ron Shelton has written.
I didn’t dislike it - it had some great ideas and things I hadn’t seen before - but yeah, the first 90 minutes or so were a bit of a chore. I’ll agree with the praise-heapers re: Toni Collette, though. She was terrific, as was the kid who played the stoner brother. The thing in the classroom where he involuntarily…
That’s fine - if he was talking about a 2017 movie called “Jaws” set in Quebec I’d say the same thing
Yeah I only saw it once, a long time ago, and all I remember is getting the sense of yes, there’s some interesting idea at work here but after a while it sort of lost me - maybe that was my fault, should have given it more of a chance, etc?
“Ravenous” is great and even if it wasn’t (which it is) the score alone would make it watchable
Everyone is gay - it’s just a matter of how many beers it takes for the gay to come out
Not a single “maneuver” joke yet?
“Ocean’s 8... is... a perfect... movie! Sandra Bullock... reveals... her... pleasure... in... the bathroom!”
The internet’s a silly place
“I can get it up, I just can’t get it in”
I think it’s a Pomeranian - can’t leave him home alone or he eats the furniture
“Blade” = good
Ever act? We need Indians for a Norman Steele western. Think about it, Fink - writers come and go; we always need Indians.
who cares?