its only 1 whale, its mouth is open and your seeing the roof of its upper mouth
its only 1 whale, its mouth is open and your seeing the roof of its upper mouth
Maybe she didn’t see that he wound up with the ball?
+1 Santa Clause
You’re right, he clearly lost because he wasn’t Russian enough.
As easily as could have been cut in half by the wall, the part that really has me covering my eyes and peeking through my fingers is when the entire weight of the falling car lands on the peak of the roll bar all of, what, a foot above his head. Dude should have been squished like a damn bug, and he walked away from…
This is precisely why I elected *not* to compete in the Rio Olympics.
I just spent a week in Yosemite and can tell you Adams was absolutely right. While you can get “good” photos in the safe spots, going a little out of the comfort zone is good. I hopped into mirror lake which was pretty dang freezing for a reflection of half dome. The shot below I got while hopping into a puddle.
In the last 24 hours, the Celtics went down 0-2 to a laughable Bulls team, Aaron Hernandez committed suicide, and Gronk yukked it up with a propaganda minister nobody respects.
Everyone pissed off at Jeff Varner should be more pissed off at CBS and the producer of Survivor. Zeke Smith was going to be outed the minute he signed up for this show - as winning would have meant going into his bio for the media, which would have included his past. All of the vitriol aimed SOLELY at Varner is…
As an expat who lives in Seoul, this is the right perspective. It’s easy for ‘Dangerous’ to say those things when he didn’t have to pack a go bag last week.
I agree with you. The US, which has only minor risk, doesn’t get to decide what will happen to South Korea. South Korea gets to make the call on this one.
This is the crux of it. We will set off a hornets nest that will sting everyone else in the neighborhood.
Brag thread! What’s a super cool thing you have accomplished recently?
Fuck you guys. One of my cats was vomiting this week. Like bile and stuff. It took me a couple days to figure out which one because they were all acting normally. I finally figured out it was my Tiny Wots, so I took her straight to the vet. She was refusing food and water. Doctor felt a mass in her abdomen. They took…
He’s very good at collegiate and professional basketball,
It’s a well known fact that kids can’t hold their liquor - one nip bottle of whatever’s available, and it’s smooth sailing.
I admire Pence for coming up with this common sense solution to a very real problem.
I’m incredibly old, and I remember well that my friends and I watched American Bandstand religiously (mostly on my best friend’s TV, which was a huge, clumsy, black-and-white cabinet set, an RCA if I’m remembering correctly—this was back in the day, when TV stations signed off late at night and came back on with the…
So, as dumb as these reviews are, let me just say...