I highly doubt the process server wanted it to go down like this but they have a job to do and most likely Wilde has been dodging the papers if the server went to this length to serve her.
I highly doubt the process server wanted it to go down like this but they have a job to do and most likely Wilde has been dodging the papers if the server went to this length to serve her.
The reason all this hurts so bad, is because many of us have been reading the AV Club since the 90s.
I suppose, yeah, I guess. It oughtn’t to be, but if you want one then this is the price to buy one at. Subject to mechanical inspection, of course, NP.
Booksmart was successful?
People avoid process servers, often just for the heck of it—to annoy the other side and make them spend money trying to serve papers. In this case, it’s more likely that it was simply a matter that Wilde was staying in Vegas incognito, and/or she has security to keep fans/press/people obsessed with her boyfriend away…
Dou you know how you prevent shit like that of happening to you?
When a process server look for you at your home address or office you receive him or make an appointment for a later date, instead of trying to avoid and dodge it, because that’s how you get this kind of situation. Respect the job of the others and they…
It’s a close call, but the glass will take a bullet for you. ;) (supposedly)
It's...fine. It ain't earth shattering, but it ain't horrendous. It's...digestivey.
Depend on what you mean by “terribly-written” movie.
You have to hand it to Nic Cage, man. He wound up drowning in debt and he could have just declared bankruptcy and started over like countless other faded movie star stories. Instead he chose to do all those terrible movies for years and paid back every single cent of his debt, and took his lumps in the press along the…
Expertly presented this story in the clickbait-iest way possible. I’m almost impressed.
This is a steal, especially with the damn bio-degradable wiring harness replaced and the cooling system updated. And it looks like it is already gone, so the market agrees.
It’s frustrating how this was clearly a toxic, mutually abusive relationship, but everyone is deciding to make only *one* party out to be history’s greatest monster.
Cool car, but when you bought a Kia, you signed up for more depreciation than that. ND.
It’s probably not as far off as I would like to believe, but there is no way I can vote nice price on this. Aside from the steering wheel, it’s a cool build, but $10k gets you into too many options that aren’t “somebody else’s project”.
Some things in this story don’t make sense to me.
Me too, I love how easy it has become to spot nice, sensible people that care about the wellbeing of others.
Also cool was the way Biden made the Saudis manipulate the oil market way before he was elected. I mean, it’s not possible that some other administration whose members have since gotten massive investments from them and let the m get away with murder could have had anything at all to do with it.
I hate how Biden invaded Ukraine and also told big oil to raise gas prices. He clearly did it. We should impeach him.
I had no idea this was happening and now today is very good day.