
I won’t lie, you dragged me right in with that headline.

Don’t forget the metric shit ton of free press!

It’s a story as old as time.

I mean is my opinion on tattoos anymore valid or invalid than rogueIndy’s?

I think I pretty much covered it, tattoos are not in fact cool. Everyone has them, many of them are subjectively bad.

I think I pretty much covered it, tattoos are not in fact cool. Everyone has them, many of them are subjectively bad.

Counter Point.

There better be pictures.

I’m sure she’d quite calmly explain that she had “shit” to do.

In my book the first one’s for free, the rest you have to pay full boat.

That’s not the Hollywood way.

They certainly would like you to believe that.

That is a taillight law in Virginia, that is not the law they are referencing though.

It’s a good topic to humble brag and/or be a dick about from what I can see.

That explains it.

I’ll only watch it if there’s random noise and screaming.

40 minutes?

Mare’s vaping on this show is out of hand and it’s starting to effect my ability to take her seriously.

There’s a reason Frank wasn’t honest about what he knew, besides just keeping him in the suspect pool.