
Sure. but I have a functioning grasp on finances. 

Your comment on having a bubble is likely correct, but the rest ofit absurd nonsense. Don’t want to pay capital gains on your earnings, would rather make nothing. Unless the capital gains tax rate is over 100%, then you are better off investing. A special kind of stupid.

Kav being Kav. That “victim” shouldn’t have got stuck in the Devil’s Triangle

At least he has a year before it is an issue.

I assume that you spent prayer time like he does, beating on minorities. God really loves violent bigots

Gobert is many times better than Wall. Especially with Wall’s horrible contract. You are way low on Gobert

Good prediction, but Gobert is far too good for this scenario. Replace him with John Wall

Rhode Island + Fraud + 38 Million = Curt Schilling.

Seems like Hallmark should have a card for that occasion

When I grew up we were taught about proper technique (head up, shoulders square, put your body in front of their direction of movement, etc.). We were also taught that low man wins and to put your immediately beside the other guys helmet. Head up is in direct contradiction with the reality of lowering your plane to

Based of the valuation formula your account is worth $600

The only thing worse than your parents having no estate to leave is them having an estate to leave

How is your ACL coming along Kristaps?

You forgot the next part, he wants google docs. So he is going to the Warriors

I think it is something other than his massive levels of sexy, as I am stuck with ~100 followers.

He would have got away with if not for those meddling kids

Unless he dies. #fingerscrossed

He can’t have the tattoos covered up as they would just be black boxes. Well clearly when confronted between an option of a black box or a Nazi tattoo, most people that aren’t Nazis would lean toward keeping the tattoo. Black boxes are just so unsightly

In related news, Alexander Zverev has been named the head tennis coach at Penn State.