
Capstone project, he aced it.

Should’ve been you Pam Schilling.

Remember last year when you call Covington butt. How is that working out for you?

Eskin is among the stupidest people in Philadelphia. Eskin is a primary reason that Hinkie was fired. Those are not unrelated items. But it isn’t like he ever got somebody killed

And the hair is too much like real hair.

Story doesn’t make sense, two rich white women are able to survive on a diet of pasta, rice, and oatmeal. 90% of rich white women can’t eat the gluten. 

Yes I did, thanks.

And Troy Vincent “had” to apologize for reacting.

Looks no taller than 5'4.75".

With our without Birdman?

Exactly, the score is 26-3 at the start of the third. No way you kick that ball, 50% of scoring a point vs 47.9% 2 point conversion rate or .96 points. Football coaches are so stupid, even the Ivy educated ones.

Pig shoots cow

What a patroit.

The whole thing seems to boil down to Roethlisberger is a Trumper, pro rape, real ‘Merican, flag loving fuckhead. That has alienated him from the rest of the team. He thought he had an ally in Villanueva, overplayed that hand and is now even more alienated.

Drain the pool

Tinder on the right, grindr on the left.

Florida man

No Sixers fan will panic when they release either Okafor.

That scene has always bothered me, sitting in the middle of the lawn at the low rises, WTH would Bodie and Wallace have a complete chess set? Omar, Stringer, or Brother Mouzone should have done the same scene inside a building.

Where will they play if Miami is destroyed?