
Nobody needs to get that kid a soccer ball, just give him a bench. - Jürgen Klinsmann

I can’t believe Lue would just step over his boss like that. When attempting to rise on the corporate ladder, that is never the Answer

Tom Brady’s son’s cock is bigger than Pippen’s son. No doubt about it

A patriot kicked in a window and Obama won’t do anything to help him - Sarah Palin

fuck leukemia.

Boxed wine? He really has hit bottom

That kid needs to learn how to dance like his dad Magary.


Should have broken out the baseball bat for that celebration

Talking about his brother?

Kings pick adds like 5-8% at #1 this year. Probably 50/50 next year. Plus a future unprotected

It isn’t the only, but is allows you to be sure of getting top assets.

This was always the last year of the process. So the Sixers hired a great resource to do what was always the plan.

Um Isiah, you do know that you can’t go around assaulting people even if they are Knicks employees

On a related note, my one friend wrestled the #1 wrestler in the state. Away match. My friend was all district and all of that. Before the match, the opposing wrestler is spotted coming out of the woods covered in blood, carrying a deer over his shoulders. My friend who was already intimidated when on to get pinned in

Meh, he will do as much as Obama will.

Dubya got into Yale, they will take anyone with the right name/money combo.

That’s nothing, Freddy Adu was 18 when he was 12.

Most of Philly (including Chip) knew that Foles wasn’t the answer after 27/2. So taking Carr should have been on the table. Chip wanted to role the dice with Foles and get Mariotta the next year.

Chip never liked Foles, so the 27-2 doesn’t really factor in. He knew that Foles wasn’t a long term answer. Yes, Derek, not David, sorry.