
I missed that part.

What a bitch, didn't give the ball to her daughter.

If Vinnie Testaverde is seen as a high point, you may have a problem

Not a valid comparision as the Jags don't have players that other teams want.

Thanks for spoiling it asshole

If my Aunt had a dick she would be my uncle

Your lips say underserved, but your hips say undeserved

Mexican coke should be ranked separately from pure test.

Exactly, sports are made to kill the body. We use science to improve every other aspect of life, but science can't make athletes healthier, that is verboten. Managed risk

Dixon should have taken the money and then taken #24 back when Nmadi is cut

Let the govt charge them with a crime if they broke a law. Reagan approves of 40 year minimums for roids

Phony? Seems to me that he found some sort of redemption. Maybe he should have done more time in jail, but he has the rehabilitation part down. That is the part that matters

His statement before the Stanford game reads pretty clearly to me. You may need to check up on your reading comprehension.

Most players at the University of Oregon are monogamous, so he has that going for him.

Way more technically sound or way slower of a game? Much easier to be a sound tackler when the closings speeds aren't as fast.


The so called reasonable people that you refer to also have also made marijuana illegal.

They are called performance enhancing drugs to make them scary. Every single drug in the world is performance enhancing, only simpletons like you fall for the lie.

Only a troll can be this dumb. They gave him the ability to play when he otherwise would not be able to. Thus they enhanced his performance. Just like contact lenses, Flintstone vitamins and steroids for horses.