
Lifetime ban shouldn't kick in til the third arrest.

Clay Matthews crushed Beadle, still eagerly waiting for the tape on that.

Pretty sure Lasorda just needs his diaper changed

Pretty sure this guy was part of the band while at Harvard.


So they spend their college years on the beach, their adults years unable to afford going to the beach. What is the average salary of a FGCU grad? Comically low 6 year graduation rate. All these made up schools in Florida are a sham.


Looks like marijuana smoke is obstructing the view of a married gay couple.

Holy Mercator projection bias. Looks like the NHL is trying to minimize the importance of the Florida and Arizona teams while kowtowing to ruling Canadians. And Deadspin sits idly by and says nothing aboot it.

Yeah, shows what real athletes can do as opposed to fat white guys in a church league

Beer me

So toss the kids thing and toss the fact that he never killed anybody and what do you have left? Too black?

If your sister is Chelsea Clinton, then a tie is the best possible ending

He would need to have great length to reach his balls from South Bend //Chad Forde

Need a TMQB blocker as well.

Birdman approves

Bobby Hebert and the Majik man are guys that you should listen too. What does Billy Joe Tolliver have to say?

In this nation we espouse the ideals of redemption and rehabilitation. I find it sad that somebody would reject such a wonderful concept. Lewis appears rehabilitated, that matters.

I defy you to read this post without using the Honey Badger voice.

As a Notre Dame beat writer, do you feel well versed enough to take questions on Alabama?