
I don't think many of the people who donated would be upset if he used 30 bucks and got an effing haircut. I've got a good mind to turn the sh*t upside down and mop my kitchen floor.

@drummrx: Truly epic picture. This is the first I have seen it so if you created it, I applaud you. Thanks for the laugh!

"But how about a little rationality and common sense?"

@jms: Because it took this long for his mouth to effect his wallet.

Someone's been watching Dual Survival on Discovery Channel.

@Dmoralize: Bingo. I wish I could give you a star.

I've been using Family Tracker ($3.99 US) for the last week or so with fairly good results. If you're running iOS4, it will run in the background with minimal battery drain. Like any of these apps, if your cell service is spotty, so will be the apps performance.

I wish there was a good place to get movie chapter listings that I could easily import into Handbrake. used to be a fairly good resource to get the info and then hand enter it but now it seems they have stopped adding the chapter info on most. Does anyone have any ideas?

@Sound.Scan: Thanks for the correction on the image. I still wish the final version had the wider, lower stance of the concept. I fully understand why they had to push the vehicle to the current design but it would be nice to see one of the big makers create something that doesn't scream "I'm electric!". I agree

This poor car started out with such great lines. Especially for an electric. It had the glancing looks of a Camaro. Fast forward three years and it looks like everyone on the team just said, 'F it'.

VOTE: KeePass

VOTE: Dropbox

I have to agree with the other posts that our family loves the heck out of Amazon Prime. If you're not a frequent user of Amazon, then it probably isn't worth your while. However, if you do regular shopping for your household items (mine is usually Blu-Rays, Eneloops, and bathroom items), then definitely look into


I've been using Junecloud's Delivery Status for a while and absolutely love it. Free for the web and dashboard widget but not-so-free for the iPhone/iTouch app. It is very polished and everything syncs. I live off the beaten path and Fed-Ex are complete tools when it comes to finding my house. So knowing what day

@netman2670: Pressure washers are bad for softwood decks like redwood and douglas fir. Too easily, you will lift out the soft (spring wood) growth ring and leave the harder summer wood ring, creating a washboard effect. I don't think it would lessen the strength of the decking by much but it sure isn't a very nice

@lifeh4xor: Just a heads up on decking. Be sure to check your local 'mom & pop' lumber yard before purchasing. Most big box shops have very low grades of decking that won't last very long (flat grain, wide growth rings, full of sapwood). Do your homework, visit your local lumber yard, and get something that will

Funny, I just got back from a building materials trade show in Florida and there was a vendor with these. Fairly cheaply made but a decent idea. I think I'll stick to my clip-on LED when fixing my computer though. Even though the magnets are small, I don't think I want them inside my computer.