
I believe that the current metric being used is if they can pay for it or not.

Despite my best efforts I can't find new baggy jeans. I want something like the old Anchor Blue or even Levi's Silver Tabs. All I get is answers like "Go to Goodwill" or "Just buy them a few size bigger", which isn't what I'm looking for at all.

I run a WHS which automatically backs up my other machines. It gets backed up to rotating external hard drives. I also use Crashplan to back up to their cloud service and to another WHS at a family members house. I think I'm covered.

When I tried it gave me an error that I couldn't log in with that account. I have since learned that you can use that account, but only if you merge it with your MS account and log in with the MS account. So, yes, you can use the old skype account, but no, you can't use they old Skype login info. You also have to be

True, not spicy, but at least it had flavor. Not that I'll every bother with it again.

I completely agree, however, lately after having seen way too many co-workers go to the restroom and walk right out without washing their hands, I'm starting to avoid handshakes whenever I can. I really don't understand why people do that.

You can avoid that by going to Ireland. I couldn't find a single shred of flavor when I visited a few years back. Scotland at least had haggis.

I've recently been on a sugar free diet that has been ironically sweet, so I'm craving the opposite right now. I think I'm done with sweet things for now.

I user butter to toast a corn tortilla (Package, not home made) on one side, then take it out of the pan, toast another one, flip it, and then I fry the egg on the tortilla add the first tortilla, untoasted side out and then flip. YUM!

TiVo! I have two dual tuner HD TiVo's with Cable Cards and upgraded hard drives. Don't miss anything I want to watch. Still the best interface in my opinion.

Wow, I didn't know I had to do all that research just to comment on an article. FTW, let me run out and get my degree in blog commenting.

I read. And like I just replied to someone else, the article ends with a "try yourself". And unless you happen to be just as lucky as Andrzej you're not going to pay $55 for yours.

I read that, and that's all good for him. How does that help everyone else that has to pay full price? After all it does also say "If you want to give this a try yourself, check out the full detail's on Andrzej's post."

It also won't take your existing Skype account unless it's a live account. I can't use my Skype account because I signed up before Microsoft acquired them.

Um, why? You can buy a refurbished 15 QXGA (What retina display on an ipad is) monitor for under $400. Why spend $499 or more on an iPad only to turn it into a smaller monitor?

Yes precisely. Have any case suggestions?

Well, I understand what you're saying, but the point of what I'm doing is to have one single box that acts as a NAS, if you will, but that I can do some other things on. So I was hoping to get some recommendations on small cases with lots of room for drives.

I'd like to build a small factor home server. My only requirement is having the ability to add a ton of drives (for example, Lian Li's PC-V354 holds up to 7 3.5 & 4 2.5 drives) yet still keep a small footprint. Any other case suggestions?

One of the problems with owning your own modem is that the ISP can be a jerk about it. My dad has a modem that I gave him and his connection is having some issues. Comcast narrowed it down to the firmware. They wanted him to update it, however when we contacted Linksy they insist that only the ISP can do that. Comcast

That would actually be a selling point for me. The iPhone is too narrow for my hands. I prefer the feel of having a case on mine. I even have one that holds my credit cards and gives me more bulk than other cases. I also need a case to keep it from breaking. Gorilla Glass or not my screen gets all marked up I my