
Hey Drew! First time, long time, etc. This may seem personal, but do you remember what your first pornography experience was like? I don't mean your first time jerking off to it or anything, I just mean the first time you ever laid eyes on a pornographic image. I remember mine vividly: we had just gotten a computer at

What a great collection of clips, Adrian Beltre rules. He really is like the GIF that keeps on giving.

That's strange, I thought Hitler played for the Yankees.

Whoops, I'll change mine.

It actually makes sense when you realize that, much like Hitler, this kid is the master of the suicide squeeze.

Damn, that accident was almost really Grizzly, Man.

Snark aside, I think it's sweet that a father is trying to teach his son how to be a responsible fan by convincing him to root for his local minor league team.

Uh, Russia? It looks like a big chunk is missing.

Oh shit, I just got this. +1

reminding ourselves that baseball can still dig up things so old and lost they seem new.

The false outrage surrounding this story is obnoxious. I mean honestly, why is anyone surprised that Hermann would have such Munsterous behavior in her past?

New Jersey governor Chris Christie is trying to stay as far away from the mess as humanly possible.

The Earhart Expressway is a pretty damned busy highway.

I'm just happy that a story involving obscene hacks in sports media didn't end with Jay Mariotti getting arrested again.

Nice save by Quick no doubt, but for my money, the title for biggest glove save in the history of Los Angeles still belongs to Johnnie Cochran.

"Constabulary? The fuck does that mean?"- Rob Ford

Look at Dortmund's players every time the camera cuts to them. Not a smile in the bunch.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to how good the golfing is, my friend.

Tevez will probably say no to them, as he's constantly said he's seeking something closer to his native Argentina, like Monaco or Italy.

Hey, I told you my baby was stupid IN CONFIDENCE, jerk.