
10% of my point is that women have the agency to choose to play that role, but hey, 90% ain't bad.

Yeah and people complain about the way Hip Hop treats black women too. Don't act like rappers never get criticized or called out for their actions. Its bad enough when black men do it we also don't need white women doing it too.

You are brilliant! ALL THE STARS/THUMBS UP for you!

I think the code was if you have a dick in your mouth all the way to the adam's apple, and you have a tongue piercing, you like men.

Yes. I don't like what she did but I'm tired of everyone acting like she's the first, worst, and only offender. She's an easy target, for sure.

The movement looks like a seizure to me, especially the arching of the back combined with the movement of the head & neck and the dog's face. But I wasn't there! So I don't know. But that's what my dog looks like when he starts seizing. That, or he loses control of his front legs and starts flopping desperately trying

she's hungry for something, but I don't think it's food.

It could be. But I have known several dogs who will hump the air and that's what it would look like in gif form.

Are you sure? I've seen dogs get REALLY excited (for food or something) and they literally start humping the air. It always seemed to me like a tiny brain short-circuiting or something. Like, "I'm so excited, I'm so hungry yay food I'm so excited oh god wait what?"

Weren't there also tongue piercing codes? Like pierced in front of tongue, you like girls; back of tongue you like guys? What are the earring codes?

Oh yes, honey.

THANK YOU, Big Freedia, for saying what a hell of a lot of us are thinking. It's just an embarrassment watching her trying to take "twerking" mainstream by exotifying black women (not to mention the fact that she doesn't have an ass, nor does she even know how to twerk!)

That's immediately what I thought of, too.

This is instantly what I thought of. A couple of friends who were pretty involved in the gay scene in the 80s and 90s were explaining earring codes to me the other day, too.

That's exactly what I thought as well. Hanky code!!

That is waaaay too confusing. I liked it much better when I got a simple yes or no and then went about my day. If I wanted to be confused by a color chart, I'd look up our terror alert for the hour.

shut up old man lol