
do I get a vial of magic holy spring water when I buy the book too?

YES! I immediately thought of this.

somebody please set this to like skrillex or 2 live crew.

At least Prince can take solace in the fact that he'll die before the women and won't have to worry about it anymore.

this kid was out sick on casting day

I pointed this out on another thread I think on Gawker and was told that since he's Italian technically he's not white. I'm not sure what the nuances are, being of unfortunate wasp descent myself, but you are correct, he is certainly not a Native American, and this ad was as racist as Depp as redface Tonto.

"overwork, alcoholism, venery, tobaccoism, exposure to the elements, industrial hazards, and irregular habits of eating and sleeping" does not equate to either "weakness" or "frailty." That's some ol' haterade bullshit.

Jezebel on girlpuncher's PR dole? VOM.

I'm sorry.. Chris.. Brown was it?

Clearly, we did not see the same movie. The Man of Steel I saw felt so "here we go again" while questioning things like, "Why did Zod want to bring Lois on his ship? Why did he show Superman that the terraforming devices would leave a sea a human skulls when he could have instead shown a thriving new Krypton and

On top of this song being extremely odd and unpleasant....wow, I had no idea Aaliyah married R. Kelly when she was 15, or that he was 27 at the time!!! I'm just...what? How? COME ON.