
i hate aziz ansari, so i thought it was hilarious

whats funny is that he is actually doing a human call with the laughter

i totally forgot that show was even on... i was so used to seeing reruns just letting the tv play whenever and then i stopped getting cable altogether

yes. I would love to see Adele in a thong for her next video

"and the sight of her mustache consoled me"

on fiona:

Eat shit and live!

why is this racist? I don't get it.

no wonder

Freida Kahlo is not impressed.

why would you post a gif of a woman being beaten???

it's because she wants america to cum on it

don't forget about the 1%ers who lead the sheep. So that's 3% of real bikers, then to account.


too bad most people can't get a license, especially in new york city.

lol I immediately thought of these kind of bikers