
See what you get when you fuck with the SPEED channel? LOL.

They should make a movie about this guy. Maybe starring Richard Pryor.
But release it in 1977, because people in 2013 just aren't ready for it.

Please discount the Urban Cowgirl's records.....both Ty and Austin have had the major advantage of competing with a Cup quality team and pit crew in the minor leagues. Hard not to win with the resources they have available.

Peyton Manning: [skips daughter's ballet recital to study rock-paper-scissors tendencies of Broncos' backfield]

Legalizing 65th tri-mester abortions would do quite a lot to keep kids in line.

It is 100% accurate to say that NASCAR does not own MIS. The track is owned by the International Speedway Corporation.....which is owned by the same small group of stockholders as NASCAR.

Smokey Yunick's Sidecar Indy Car should have made the list.