
They didn’t park Beavis when he intentionally wrecked Kenseth, why should they start now?

Says who? Matt taught Beavis that he should respect his fellow chasers.

Really? Do they approve of owning up to ones actions and getting physical if need be to prove a point? Here I thought Jezebel was nothing but a bunch of tree hugging, peace loving douchbag liberals that would disapprove of Matt teaching Beavis respect the hard way.

Beavis bumped Matt out of the next round when he was already qualified.

Just because you CAN do something doesn’t mean it is a good idea. The season is more than 1 race long.

Maybe Beavis learned a lesson today....just because you CAN do something, doesn’t mean it is a good idea.

Somebody please revoke Beavis’s dad’s hot pass, he is a bigger POS than his kid.

Agreed, I want to see Logano and Kyle Bush parked early the next three weeks.

And I want to see Gordon win the championship without a single race victory just to piss off whoever thought up the 1 race to determine a champion format.

And for what it is worth, DISH network program guide is wrong....they have F1 qualifying starting at 2 pm ET and there is some garbage infomercial on right now.

So how much did COTA lose this weekend? Has anyone given a dollar amount?

Agreed, the rain really put an emphasis on the driver. It was fun to see all those tail happy cars sliding around out there. One thing about rain, the effects can’t be predicted by a computer program and the drivers get to prove that they are something more than robots.

Beavis is safe this week, any payback has no consequences until next week.

Friday update, it appears no grid penalty for Vettel in Austin as the wet weather has made them decide to wait until Brazil to try the new powerplant.

In what vehicle are the rear mounts of the safety harness in the trunk?

Although the moral of the story is still valid (counterfeit is bad....mmkay?) the video shown above is rather deceiving in the fact that those belts are nowhere near being mounted correctly.


Dale Earnhardt Sr’s fatal accident was attributed to the improper mounting of seatbelts. (among other things) NASCAR tried to tell everyone that the belt itself failed and got sued by Bill Simpson for it. They settled out of court and everyone is gagged from talking about it. (this was after Bill quit the company

The best thing to do is look for a current SFI approval label on the belts (or any safety equipment)

Does the Chili Bowl count? After all, I do go to watch “automotive activity” in the winter time.

McDonalds is great at making money and giving their customer’s what they want. McDonalds is VERY respectable from a business standpoint.

A guy pays 1.5 million a year in income taxes and some internet liberal is bitching about it.

Maybe that is why IndyCar, F1, WEC, etc combined have less than 10% of the United States TV audience and tickets sold that NASCAR does?

So “Stancing” a car is the art (?) of making it impractical to use and unsafe to drive?

Isn’t that sort of anti-Jalopnik? Call it art if you want, but do not call it an automobile anymore. It is sort of like the creations that the Orange County Chopper style builders are putting out.....maybe pretty to look at but