Find a video of future NASCAR star Rico Abreu doing donuts to bring your mental image to life.
Find a video of future NASCAR star Rico Abreu doing donuts to bring your mental image to life.
Nascar drivers doing donuts in a midget with the steering wheel outside the car
From a neighbor to the south, Ventura was very good for your state. I know both major parties did everything possible to make him look bad because he was a threat, but your economy was better off on his last day than it was on his first.
There are hundreds of thousands of these things in the air, especially right along the river where this video was shot. Even if you were able to drive up with no lights, they would still swarm into the car when the door is opened. Truth is the head, dash and interior lights probably drew them away from the open door…
Useless random informational tidbit about these creatures....
They have no digestive system. They hatch with all the energy they will ever have, mate and then die within a few hours (not more than 6 or 8). The fertilized eggs drop into the water and remain there for about a year.
It would take a lot longer than a few minutes of darkness for them to disperse, especially with the absence of another light source to draw them away.
It might be Illinois best bar, but there are a few good Chicago blues joints that might disagree.
Most of Iowa sucks, I lived there for 30+ years. But the area right along (within 10-20 miles) the Mississippi river is pretty darn cool.....great roads and scenery.
Lot's of things there besides booze. I was just trying to say that the place is not some kind of scary dive...good food, great music, camping, etc. It is almost 100% adults, but you wouldn't be afraid to take a kid in there for a bite to eat.
It is a bar/restaurant/tattoo palor/camp grounds/music amphitheater
/parts shop/motorcycle dealership. Poopy is the owners nickname from childhood and he has a good sense of humor about it.
Awe, it ain’t that bad. Just stay near the Mississippi river and you can’t go wrong. The nice thing about Iowa is that you don’t feel the need to lock your doors. Fish flies only happen a few nights a year.
Safety reasons. A few dozen fish flies are a nasty inconvenience, sitting on the side of a dark road is dangerous.
They do sometimes kill the street lights, gas station lights and lighted billboards, but the worst outbreak nights are not exactly predictable. It takes both heat and the right water conditions start the…
He was talking about switching to a third party....I hope he does, it will be that much more entertaining.
If he is the “most pubicly popular”, why is it a problem? That tells me that he has the will of the people, which is what this country is supposed to be all about instead of the will of the PAC’s that is…
Other than a few nights of fish flies, the Great River Road (through Sabula) in Iowa/Illinois and Wisconsin is one heck of a great drive/ride. Just about 5 miles from where this video was shot is one of the best (family friendly) biker bars in the country, Poopy's in Savannah IL
We called them “fish flies” when I lived 45 min north of Sabula and the video is pretty typical of what happens 2-3 times a year. (it may be a LITTLE thicker outbreak than most but you can expect something that bad at least once a year).
Yes, you use snow shovels and snow plows to remove their dead carcasses in the…
I did not notice this during the live broadcast. I will admit to tuning out the idiot announcers on FOX whenever they are on TV, did they mention the sponsors of this truck at all or did NASCAR instruct FOX not to call any attention to it?
I will admit that I think he is an idiot. But I don’t think that he is TOTALLY full of shit. He does have SOME good ideas and is causing things to be talked about that desperately need to be talked about.
What I like most is that he is the ONLY presidential candidate from either major party whose opinion is not formed…
Did you see what Fox Sports 1 thinks race at the Kings Royal and 4 Crown Nationals? Apparently a class I never heard of called “winged sprint models”
I don’t consider it sad, just a byproduct of supply and demand. The fact is that the modified division is trying to be something it is not.....a headlining class. Until the division can sell more than 1000 seats on it’s own merit (not as a support class), then purses will not rise.
How or why a beginner class started…
That sounds about right, at least for the dirt tracks. Most dirt track late model or sprint cars have a 15-40,000 engine and run for about a grand to win, 100 to start, weekly. There are a few exceptions. There are quite a few 10,000 to win shows but only a dozen or so around the country over that mark.
Robin Miller suddenly gained a whole bunch of anonymous sources.