
Bold of you to assume they had a choice.

How in the world did rocksteady mess this up. Their pedigree with the Arkham games was immaculate and this was one of the most anticipated games of the generation. Why in the world do you decide to make this a games as a service and homogenize all the characters 🤦

@ Jeremy the Klansman — I read your comment below in the grays, and I’m not the least bit sorry that you feel persecuted by all the social criticism against “racist” white males.

In what way..? He didn’t say anything about framerate.

I’m sorry a PC owner stole your boy and/or girl. That must have been really painful. Luckily you have your console to cuddle at night.

I’m not sure what it is exactly (I played Divinity:OS1 and liked it, after all; and I play tabletop D&D), but I just have 0 interest in BG3.

Let me install the fucking campaign without downloading GTA Online as well. That’s it. The game will be great I’m sure, I just don’t want to download 100+GB for just the damn campaign.

bro, get off your soapbox. just let them enjoy a great game that’s still good

Well their other big project (which was just shut down) was a GaaS multiplayer Last of Us game, so it's hard to say which feels more like a waste of time and talent.

What an awful waste of talent at a very good studio.

Bro, you’re fighting to defend the honor of fucking... He-Man.

It says Scott Pilgrim on the package - no one enjoys having the old switcheroo on the main protagonist. That’s 101 stuff, guys

Hogwart’s will likely pull in GotY awards”

I’ve only played a third or so of the first game, and I wasn’t impressed. I’m sure the narrative is great or whatever, but the gameplay itself is pretty rote. I felt like I was being pranked when I first played it. After sitting through seemingly an hour of poorly paced cutscene, I finally get to play, and it’s just a

Gender and sexuality are hilarious subjects when mocked - across the board. As a cis male, I personally love when “male-ness” is ridiculed as well as “woman-ness” and everything else in between (See: the Barbie movie). My hope is that very soon all trans and other queer people gain enough acceptance and freedom from

A while back they removed some cross-dressing NPCs from the outside of a club because the “joke” was “look at these people, they’re freaks.”  I think there’s plenty of things left for R* to satirize without resorting to the very lazy route of making LGBTQ identities into punchlines.

You have no stance in teaching English, you can barely read or write it. You’re a semi-literate simpleton who speaks in absolutes then tries to backtrack. Hush your gums, stop moving your fingers. Shoosh.

just the fact you categorize all discourse on the topic that way” How is that a fact? It’s not even stated at all, it was a very clear statement.
It’s you who is claiming they categorize ALL discourse in that fashion, based on a comment that made a totally different point.
You then claim this literal not-a-fact as

It may but I bet the Game Awards don’t nominate it for anything.  

What world are you living in? Discourse is not only encouraged, it’s what pays the bills here and everywhere else on the internet.